"Well I'm not gonna hold you back from getting yourself ready for bed so I'll be in your brothers room if you need me." "Well if you need me after I shower and stuff I'll be in my room and we can talk if you want."

"Yeah I might pass considering that your brother has Limelight." "Why does every guy obsess about that game?" "Because it's entertaining and fun. I'd rather play with a game than play with a girls heart." "Ha Yeah."

"But I'll probably say goodnight before you fall asleep." "Sounds good." I said as he made his way up the stairs.

This kid is so confusing. He says that he'd rather play a video game than play with a girls heart, but that's exactly what he's doing to me whether he knows it or not. I thought maybe after the night of homecoming he would just stop playing, but I was clearly wrong.

"I heard a boys voice that wasn't Tanner, who was that?" Lexi asked coming from the family room. "That was Julian, he's gonna be living here for a little." "You're kidding right?" "Nope, him and his Dad kinda had a fall out so he's staying here."

"Ughhh I don't wanna live with him. Do you know how awkward its gonna be living with my ex?" "Nope." "Oh yeah it makes sense for you since he's your boyfriend." "He isn't my boyfriend! I don't know why people keep saying that when the boy can't even make a fucking move."

"Look I get it, Justin hasn't even addressed the situation. All we talk about is normal stuff." "Justin is the same way except all he does is fuck around. I think you need to go to him when you two are all alone and just address it."

"You're right, I'm going right now." "Don't, he's already in a tough place." "I don't care, I have questions that I need answered." "Whatever." I said as she walked out the door.

After I showered and got ready for bed, then I went down to the basement to watch my ultimate favorite show. The Bachelorette.

After I grabbed a whole container of Mac And Cheese that my mom made and brought it up to my room. I just wanted to relax and get some alone time when Allie FaceTimed me.

"What up?" I asked stuffing my mouth. "Oh nothing except for the fact that Miles is going out with that little hoe from homecoming again."

"Look Al, I can't do anything about that." "I know, but I wish you could." "Wait how do you know they're going out again?" "I saw them going into his car and then they just left somewhere." "Are you stalking him?" "No i'm just looking out my window like I do every night. It's not my fault he moved next to me."

"You're acting like it was a choice. Remember the first few days of 5th grade?" "Oh yeah, that boy cried his eyes out until he ran out of tears." "Well he was obviously upset about the move, but what did you do?" "Made him cookies and then played basketball with him."

"Exactly, we two were inseparable till 7th grade when Middle School started. You still hung out, but all of a sudden he started to make lots of friends." "Yeah, but that only happened because Hannah Bellinger made up a rumor saying that they hooked up and everyone thought that he was so cool because of that."

"But why did you stop talking for awhile?" "Well after the first football game that my team cheered at, Hannah threw a party and I was thinking that Miles and I could talk about something that happened the night before so when I looked for him I saw him and Hannah making out and I got really upset. Long story short I realized that I had feelings for him, but talking to him would make it worse so I cut him off."

"Well I think you and Miles need a little date night." "And why would we need that? We aren't even together." "It's just to talk and make sure that there aren't any frustrations about back then. It'll be you, me, Miles, and to be determined."

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