Chapter Twenty One:

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Chapter Twenty One:

Harry's Point of View:


That's something that I'm not a stranger to, and neither in anyone in this bright and eerily clean emergency room waiting room. We have all been subjected so something. Some of them are looking at loosing someone the same way that I am, but I can't find it in me to feel a least bit sympathetic for any of them. Not when she's laying on an operating table somewhere, and no one will tell me what's going on with her.

Louis, Eleanor, Niall, and myself have spent the past couple of hours being questioned about Andy and if she had any suicidal tendencies. The implication that this may not have been an accident made me want to throw up or throw myself off of the tallest building in London. He also asked multiple questions about where Andy was coming from, where she was going, and if something could have impaired her judgment enough to make driving unsafe. 

He explained that under normal circumstances, they would let her heal and let her be the one to answer the questions, but the driver of the other car had been killed instantly. The officer also explained that there was no evidence of Andy swerving or even hitting the breaks before the accident happened. 

It shocked me when Eleanor spoke up and told him that Andy had gone to visit Bree this morning which lead to Louis explaining who Bree is while Eleanor weeped into his shoulder, not able to speak. 

We talked in circles and all had headaches by the time that the officer wishes us well and leaves us alone with our pain and our questions. 

"Harry?" Eleanor speaks up in a voice that is rough from crying breaking the silence that had fallen over our small group in the furthest corner of the miserable room. 

I raise my eyebrow at her letting her know that she has my full attention. I couldn't find it in myself to speak, even if it was just to Eleanor. 

"What could Bree have said to make Andy wreck her car? This morning, Andy was happier than I've seen her in a long time. She was excited to go to California with the kids. She was excited about the move. She was hurt, but she was okay." Eleanor questions, and I can feel my blood run could in my veins. 

"I cheated on Andy. That's what Bree told her. It was more of an emotional affair than anything. I only kissed her once, and it was only for a second. She was just there, and Andy was pulling away. Andy makes me the worst version of myself, and Bree could put me back together." I admitted, and as I said the words out loud, I felt even worse about my actions. 

The tension in the room was growing and growing, and I felt as if the room would simply implode if someone did not say something soon.

"That's bullshit." Niall snorts, drawing all of the attention onto him. "She doesn't make you the worst version of yourself, you do that to yourself. You're the one who is miserable. You're the one who can't keep their shit together. You take everything out on her, and she just sits around and puts up with it. You treat her like shit. You feel guilty, don't you? You hate yourself. She brings you back to life, so you hate her for it. You're my mate, Harry, but don't think for a second I won't hurt you for hurting her." He snaps at me, his eyes wild. 

If I'm being honest, I would say that I've always been jealous of the relationship Niall has with Andy. He understands her in ways that I don't, and he's always there for her when I mess up. She's even living with him at the moment, and that thought makes me want to hit him in the jaw. I know that he has feelings for her, even if he would never act on them. He would have been the better choice for her.

"Did you know that there is a difference between love and attachment? They are opposites, really. When you love someone, you want to know what you can do to make them better. When you're attached to someone, you want to know what they can do to make you better. I don't think you love Andy. I don't think you ever did. I think you're attached to her." He continues, and I can only see red and he pops off his mouth.

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