Paaarrrrtttayy (special💕)

Start from the beginning

Kyle's p.o.v

Y/n looked like heaven when she was walking down the stairs. Leaving me completely speachless.... Wow....she looks...beautiful..... I had a dark red tint of blush on my cheeks, so did Y/n. "O-Okay! Let's go!" Y/n said. She's so cute when she's nervous.... "Y-Yeah..." I said while coming back to reality.

////////////////TIME SKIPPPPPP///////////////

Me and Y/n were walking to Bebe's house and heared this song blasting out of her


We also saw some drunk kids dancing outside her house and some people making out. Me and Y/n were Blushing while looking at them. Y/n started holding my hand and hugging my arm. She seemed kinda startled... We started blushing. But, we already opened the door. "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS WERE ALMOST LATE!!" Stan yelled. Godammit he's already drunk... "At least we're here!" Y/n said. Stan noticed that me and Y/n were holding hands. "Ohhhh~ what's this? A new relationship? Did you guys bang yet?" Stan asked. Me and Y/n started blushing red as my hair and let go. "S-Shut up." I told Stan. "I was just joking, common! Let's play spin the bottle!" I blushed even more.

Y/n' p.o.v

I knew what spin the bottle was and I didn't like it, but fuck it. "C'MON KYLE! PLAY WITH US!" I yelled. He nodded and followed us into the circle. I come to see Kenny, Stan, Cartman, Wendy, Jimmy, Timmy, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Bebe, Heidi, Jenesis, Token, Jodine, Nicole, and dovakiin. "OKAY! LET'S PLAY!" Wendy yelled. While the bottle spinned we all yelled "SPIN. THE. BOTTLE!" It landed on Kenny. Everyone gasped. "Okay, Kenny! Spin!" Jodine yelled. It landed back to himself. I giggled. "I guess you gotta kiss yourself!" Jenesis giggled. Kenny just kissed his hand. "Okay,next round." We span the bottle again saying "SPIN. THE. BOTTLE!" It landed on Kyle. Everyone gasped, again. Kyle spinned it and it landed on....... me. Again, with the gasps. Everyone was chanting "KISS! KISS! KISS!". I was blushing like crazy.

Kenny's p.o.v

I wasn't chanting.... I love Y/n.... So I left to go drink outside... He doesn't deserve her... I DO!..... No, Kenny, no... He does...She even probably likes him already... look at me... no one likes a pervert, broke, person..... I started crying and drinking to forget....


Y/n's p.o.v

I was blushing red as Kyle's hair.... "O-Or what?" I asked "OR 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN!" Wendy and Bebe yelled. Me and Kyle started blushing . We both looked at each other. Everyone chanted. "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" Me and Kyle staired at eachother, blushing. Still, everyone was chanting "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" But faster. We were still blushing. Kyle sighed. "Fuck it." He said and smashed his lips on to mine's. I kissed back...Everyone was screaming. Some were yelling things like: "HOLY SHIT!!", "OMG!!" "THEY FUCKIN KISSED!", "GET A ROOM!" We were kissing for a minute or two and stopped to get the DAMM OXYGEN. I wiped off the spit trail and blushed like a tomato. All the girls were mumbling and squealing. But...someone was missing.....Kenny... I left to go look for him... seeing if he's okay. I looked outside, I couldn't find him... He probably left.... I went back inside, seeing everyone drunk, dancing on the dance floor. I got myself some Vodka and leaned on a wall to be by myself.

/////////////////1 minute passed//////////////

While I was leaning on the wall, Bebe put a romantic song on. "This song is for the couples out there!" Bebe yelled.

People started slow dancing. Heh, There would be no way me and Kenny would dance..... half a minute passed and I felt a tap on my right shoulder... I looked to my right and saw nobody. But when I looked back to the dance floor I was being pinned by Kenny. He was wearing a tux. I blushed. "K-Kenny?" I asked "Yeah?~" He responded seductively. I blushed even more. He feels so warm... and he's so handsome.... "Hey Y/n, can you follow me?" Kenny asked. "S-sure..." I responded. He put a blindfold on me and made me sit down somewhere. I heard a truck driving. I walked out to a random place. "Okay! Take off the blindfold!" Kenny yelled. I took off the blindfold. Revealing A row of candles heading to Kenny leaning on a tree with a guitar. As I walk towards him he strums and sings the song.

While approaching him he put down his guitar. And hugged me. "Y/n I have to confess...." Kenny said. I started blushing. "I-I love you..." Kenny said. I was speechless... "I-I...I don't know....I do love you....but...I also love..." I said...

Kenny's p.o.v

My eyes were watery... "Y-You don't need to tell me...." I said. Tears started falling down my face. Y/n had a face of guilt. "K-Kenny....I'm sorry..." Y/n said. "I-I knew it would be stupid to do this..." I mumbled. "Kenny....You aren't..." Y/n said. More tears started coming down. "Yes! I AM!" I yelled but after that...I got on fire by the candles. I was yelling by the pain. Y/n tried to help, but I was already gone....

3rd p.o.v

Y/n called 911. The police came and took care of it. Y/n walked back home in sorrow.....

Word count: 1302 words
To be continued.....

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now