"Tell me, Dickon," she said, leaning into him as she had that day on the doorstep of the manor.

He closed his eyes and took a breath. "I have…feelings for thee - very strong feelings that run deeper than kinship." He waited. The words hung in the air between them but he felt Mary push closer to him as he said them. "I know I dare not think tha would share those feelings, Mary, I don't expect it from thee. I had to tell thee before my heart burst from holding it back for so long."


Mary had made no declaration. She stood perfectly still against him for a space, then turned her face to him. He gazed into her eyes, and then reached up to caress her cheek. When she did not pull away, he leaned toward her to touch her lips with the sweetest, softest of kisses. Her lips were cool, like the night, and moistened with the mist of the rains. When he pulled away to look at her again, her eyes were still closed and look of pure contentment graced her countenance.

"Dickon," she said at length.

"I love thee, Mary."

"I love you, too. I always have."

Wrapping his arms about her as he had done only in his dreams, Dickon allowed himself to push away every thought but those of Mary Lennox. These thoughts moved from facing Lord Craven, asking for Mary's hand, their wedding, their happiness. There would be the matter of gaining permission and this was a source of worry, but Dickon forced it away. Right now all he wanted to think about was his beloved.

He twined his hands through her hair, and then held her face in his hands. She smiled at him so lovingly; he could not help but bend to take her mouth once more. This kiss lingered. It was a certain kiss: certain of its love and future, certain that it would be the first of many to come. When this second kiss ended, Dickon pulled the garden key from his pocket.

"Will you come into the garden with me? There's something I need to ask you there."

"Of course," she replied.

With that, Dickon opened the door and guided Mary to the center of the garden. There he knelt on one knee and took her hand. The rain had dispersed into a mist for the time being, causing the garden to be shrouded in a peaceful blanket of quiet.

"I know I am from poor folk, living on the moors and not of noble blood or any kind of station, but I love thee and have since I first met thee so long ago. I love thee with all my heart and soul and though I have no ring to offer…no grand jewels or manor house, I offer myself to thee if tha will have me. I will love thee always, Mary Lennox."

Dickon saw a tear appear in her eye and he moved to stand but Mary gently placed her free hand on his shoulder.

"Yes," she said. "Oh Dickon, I wouldn't care if you had not a penny to your name. It's you I love, not what you own. And if we should over in a tiny cottage all of our days, I couldn't be a more happy woman just to be yours."

Dickon beamed with pride and pleasure at this, then stood and held Mary tightly. She smiled and laughed into his embrace, being silenced only when his mouth came in contact with hers for a third time. Again, it was different from the ones before. This kiss seared; Dickon pressed his lips to hers so hotly he thought he might burn away. His body began to respond to the softness pressing so tightly against him and as always, he allowed nature to be his guide. Deepening the kiss, Dickon tentatively and gently parted his lips and with the tip of his tongue sought entrance to the warmth of Mary's mouth. Her hands gripped his arms tightly as she welcomed him, emitting a soft moan from her throat which served to heighten his arousal. How he wanted to be part of her then! His carnal urges could think only of removing their clothing, laying down in the grass and flowers and becoming one. He would have to wait – but he did not want to.

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