Raiden and Kano's 'Date' Night

Start from the beginning

*The drawing above is Kano's yukata, I was going to use this if I were to do a new year's day chapter but, I figured I might use it for this chapter*

"Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thank you, come on."

I said as Raiden and I headed to the festival. Raiden and I went to different stalls and he even won me a new bracelet from one of the events that were taking place. I smiled at it and then we went for a wander through town. It was starting to get crowded so Raiden took my hand and he then said to me.

"Oh man, it's starting to get crowded, come on, let's go somewhere quiet."

"Good idea."

I said as I held onto Raiden's hand as we walked through the crowd while avoiding passing by girls who wanted to talk to Raiden but we managed to make our escape to the forest that was next to Castletown. We ended up at the town square where some of the locals were getting lanterns ready. Raiden looked at me and he then asked me.

"What's going on?"

"Sometimes during the festivals, some of the locals tend to get the lanterns ready as a send off to the people who passed away."

"I see, we never did anything like that back in Texas, especially when..."

Raiden looked away and I knew who and what he's talking about when I saw that sad expression on his face. I squeezed his hand and I said to him.

"Don't be sad, Raiden, wait right here."

I said as I headed to the stall that was selling the lanterns and I got two, one for me and the other for Raiden. Raiden looked at them and I said to him.

"I know it's not much but, at least this way you can say goodbye to Lucy properly."

Raiden's eyes widen in surprise and he then smiled at me and he took one of them.

"Thank you, Kano."

I smiled at Raiden and once we lit the lanterns we watched some of the locals releasing some of their lanterns. I looked at Raiden and he nodded his head and then we both released our lanterns and the floated along with the others. The night sky looked so beautiful in the night sky and it was a perfect night for it as well.

After we released our lanterns, Raiden and I got to a hilltop and we got a better view of the lanterns floating away in the night sky. I smiled at this scenery and I thought to myself.

'Just like old times, eh Okaa-san?'

 Raiden looked at me and he then said to me.

"Kano, thanks for doing that for me, you knew how much I missed Lucy."

"Well, she was your sister, half related or not you still cared for her and she still looked up to you."

Raiden smiled at me and then he held my hand before stroking my cheek. Raiden and I stared into each other's eyes and he then said to me.

"You're so beautiful, in fact, you're the most beautiful and intelligent girl I've met....ever since I met you, I always wanted to be around you and you've always helped me out, you even gave me the confidence to speak to my old man again and we've got that old Father and son Bond that I lost a long time ago."

I blushed a little when Raiden was complimenting me. I lowered my head for a moment and then Raiden held my chin so that I was looking into his eyes.


Raiden's sentence was cut off when the fireworks went off in the night sky. I looked at the fireworks and I then asked him.

"What were you going to say?"

"No, it's nothing, but, if you're still wondering what I was going to say, well, it's best that you wait until this whole Koga mess is over and done with, for now, I want to enjoy this moment with you."

Raiden said as we held hands again and I nodded head in agreement before I rested my head against his shoulder. Without realising it, our tails had come out and they had touched one another just a bit like how Raiden and I are holding hands.

*This is what I was trying to explain and I bet some of you know this Disney movie, Aristocats! that's where I got that idea from

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*This is what I was trying to explain and I bet some of you know this Disney movie, Aristocats! that's where I got that idea from.*

For tonight, I also wanted to enjoy this moment with Raiden even it is for one night but, some things will have to come to an end and that would mean Raiden and I will have to go into battle with or without the help of the vampire brothers including my friends.


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