{14} Ready for a Dungeon

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"-y.... uki..."
Judal yelled by Miyuki's bedside which made her immediately jump up with cold sweat beading down her temple.

"Why did you yell, what happened?!"
"Nothing, I was just fuckin' with ya."
Judal said before bursting into laughter.
Miyuki flung a pillow to his face which he easily dodged.

"If you just want to bother me, I'm going to bed. Go to Kou or something."
Judal's merry mood soured and he gently shook her.
"Urrrrrgggghhhh.... Leave me aloneeeeee...."

"Oh come on, just cause you have a day off doesn't mean you can lay in bed the whole time."
"I don't feel like doing anything, leave me alone."
"Its been two weeks since you were healed, you can wield magic properly, you aren't distracted, come and let's do somethin'."
With a grumpy sigh, she slowly turned around. Her amethyst hair sprawled over the bed, cow licks in her hair everywhere. Judal wanted to laugh at how silly she looked but refrained from doing so.

"What you wanna do?" she slurred, looking at him for a quick answer that she can deny.
"Have you been to a dungeon?"
The conversation immediately piqued her interest.
"No I haven't."

Judal's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"You? Mature? Strong with magic-wielding? Not gone to a dungeon even once in your life?"
She nodded innocently which he facepalmed in response.
"Yama said that dungeons are too much for me right now and I should stay away from them as I'm the-"
"Ah that's all bullshit. Who gives a fuck what shell-tits has to say, how about you go get yourself all dolled up and we go conquer a dungeon Princess?"

Miyuki sweat-dropped.
'Shell-tits huh... I know what to use at the dinner table tonight...' she thought.
"Alright deal. Let me just go tell Sin and-"
"Don't tell anyone anything. Those geezers are gonna try and stop you from going. Just get dressed, take your weapons, an empty vessel for the Djinn to store itself in and that's it."
"W-wait b-but-" Judal walked out to the balcony, the warm air soaking into Miyuki's skin.

"Giving you half an hour tick-tock Princess~" He said before waving bye and falling off the balcony. Miyuki didn't worry about him being okay as seconds later he flew off on his carpet.

"Haaah..." she sighed, looking up at Sindria's blue skies before hopping out of bed. Great. Another unknown task to complete, she most certainly didn't sign up for this. Looking around at the weapons in her drawers and closet, she clearly knew to bring along her magic wand but weapon choice was not an easy decision. An abundance of knives, swords, staffs, daggers, and all spilled out in waves as she dug for something to place her mysterious Djinn in.

After several minutes, she still couldn't decide on whether a dagger or sword would work best. "A dagger can turn into a sword thanks to the Djinn and a normal sword would be hard to carry around on a regular basis but changing the dagger into a sword consumes magoi..."

Miyuki glanced up to look at herself in the reflection and was immediately in a hurry, "I haven't even gotten dressed yet, what am i going to wear?!"

And then came the decisions of whether a short combat dress or pants was best suited, where to keep everything... This supposedly calm and confident princess has quickly unraveled to a disheveled mess.

"Yo Princess, you rea- what are you doing?" Judal said as he burst into the room. "WHAT AM I GONNA WEARRRRR!" she groaned.

Judal picked up two random articles of clothing and threw them in her face.
"Well you better wear something. We aren't going to a festival, wear something you can move around comfortably with."

She sighed and shooed him out the room before cleaning up. After dressing herself in a hurry, in a burst of speed, slammed open the balcony door. "Im ready!" Judal was spooked by the sudden door slamming but couldn't stop staring at Miyuki.

(Outfit is in the picture.)

"Is there something on my face?" she questioned, rubbing her nose.
Walking closer and closer, Judal's eyes slowly left her face and lingered around as all he focused on was her round, voluptuous, bouncy-

Miyuki flicked him in the forehead making him return to reality. "Think up here, not down there." She said pointing to his crotch. All Judal answered with is a "tch" sound before turning around.
"Are you finally ready or do you have to pick out what jewelry you're wearing too?" he mocked.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Now let's go, I want to deal with this before sundown."
"You're an absolute peach. You'd be the fastest person to leave a dungeon successfully." he mumbled before lifting up his wand. The carpet was beneath them and it slowly floated up. Much to Miyuki's dismay, she was absolutely shocked by his response. "You're telling me this is gonna take longer than sunset?"

"That's up to you Princess, depending on if you're going to worry about your change of clothes when a monster puts a nick in it." He mocked once again. With a quick swipe, Miyuki slapped him in the back of his head, causing the carpet to dip down. "Don't drop us you idiot!" she exclaimed.
"Don't hit me in my head you idiot!" Judal mocked before continuing the levitation and slowly going off. Their trip consisted of insulting jokes and utter mockery, the war of who could make the biggest ass out of the other seemed to be never-ending.

"Why is all the words from your mouth sound like you just pulled them out of your ass."
"Why is your forehead so big that I could fit your entire kingdom on there." Judal retorted causing a light gasp from Miyuki. A chuckle bubbled up from the both of them, the carpet swaying side to side as Judal lost focus. "Focus on where you were going silly, the carpet is rocking." Miyuki said, hugging the back of Judal. He smirked and touched her hands, intertwining his fingers with hers. Soon enough, the large tower erected beneath the towering sand dunes.


I know about 3 people asked me to update a long time ago, I'm so sorry I haven't, I had this draft sitting around for a while but I never posted it out of lack of interest and laziness to start the next one. Maybe I can do it by Saturday? The next part is probably gonna be long as I'm hoping to finish this whole book in 20 chapters (as said in the beginning).

Current word count: 1040 (minus these messages)

Peaches of Fate (Judal x OC) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now