Summer Days *33* [Cid]

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"[Name]!" You heard a voice call, you were still to deep in sleep to recognize it. You rolled over in bed, wrapping up in your sheets and groaned.
"Go away. I'm tired..." You groaned out, drifting back into sleep. You heard a low chuckle and someone walk towards your bed. You felt a pair of lips kiss you between your eyes.
You opened your eyes to see Cid and his red aura.
"Mornin Darlin. Have a good sleep?" He asked, cracking a smile.
"Yeah, just lovely. What are you doing here?" You asked stretching in bed.
"Got Leon watching the shop for me, thought I'd come see you." Cid replied.
You got up and started to push him to the door.
"Ok well-", you yawned, "I gotta get ready. I'll be down in a few."
Before he said another word you shut the door and began to get ready.

After showering and dressing you skipped downstairs and sat besides Cid on the couch, he was flipping through the channels.
"Where is Roxas, Cloud and Ven?" You asked him.
He flipped off the TV, "Work. Cloud let me in."
You nodded.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yupp. Now where are we going?"
Cid thought about it, "Hmm well, where do you wanna go?"
"Oh I know. I gotta run an errand. Follow me!" You hopped towards the door, Cid followed smiling. You both exited the house, you locked the door behind you.

"The library? Really Kiddo?" Cid asked as you dragged him inside.
"Uh-huh. I gotta find a book." You said walking through the main room.
"Cid is that you?" A voice asked. You both turned to see a lady that had a reddish-purplish aura around her. She had red hair that was graying at the roots and went to her shoulders it curled out at the ends. Her eyes were brown and she wore a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose.
"Mrs. Hartever, long time no see." Cid walked over to the circulation desk where she sat.
"Look at you all grown up now! I still remember you causing trouble in my class, now here you are!" She exclaimed.
Cid smiled.
"Now who's this with you? Is this your daughter?" Her question immediately made Cid's smile disappear.
She didn't wait for an answer, "Will your shop be open tomorrow?I need to buy a few parts for a friend."
Cid just nodded, "Y-Yeah It'll be open tomorrow."
"Good. Hope to see you both soon!" She said, before returning to what she was doing before.
You and Cid both walked away quietly. You reached for his hand and held it in yours, he didn't respond though.
You sighed, "I have to go find this book. Why don't you go get us a reservation at a place to eat or something I won't be long."
He nodded, "Right. I'll meet ya out front."
He walked away, you sighed. Mrs. Hartever just had to open her mouth.
You quickly typed in 'Aura'.
Two books popped up. The first was in the fiction section and was about some girl and her best friend or something. You skipped over it and went to the second. It was in the nonfiction section, you wrote the section number on a slip of paper by the computer and went to find it.
After searching aisle after aisle you finally found it. It was a thick book, with old pages and a worn out cover. You picked it up and sat at a nearby table. You flipped it open, skipping the intro and getting straight to the information.

The aura shows the persons inner personality and can reveal who they really are. People with the gift of sight, or known as it's common slang word Gazer, can see into a person's inner self.

The rest of the paragraph seemed to go on and on about how great the Gazer's were and how very few people could see and yadda yadda blah blah. You skipped over the next few pages, your eyes locked onto a section where the title was highlighted.

Some Gazers will be wanted by many, which is why those few special Gazers choose to remain in hiding or not reveal their secret to others. They are wanted for not only their ability of sight but of their ability of control.
Controlling is dangerous and can have disastrous results which is why I must warn any new Gazer of this ability. Not all Gazers will obtain this special power. in fact most will not, but those who do must be extra careful. If a Gazer with this ability knows the color of the person's Aura and their name then the Gazer has the ability to will that person to do whatever they please.

You stopped reading.
Took in a deep breath and re-read that paragraph.
The info didn't change.
Was it true? Could you actually...
"Namine." You whispered.
You knew her name and her Aura, and she had listened to you! This explains it all.
You skipped to the very last page, it was an advertisement for the author's other book. It was a book on Travelers and Portals. You looked for the book but to no avail.
You considered checking out the book but decided against it, you couldn't carry it out without having Cid ask questions.

You walked out and saw Cid leaning against a pillar deep in thought.
"Hey Cid." You said, gaining his attention.
He turned, "Oh hey. Didn't find your book?"
You shook your head, feeling bad for lying to him, "Nah. They didn't have it."
He nodded, "Well let's go. I bet your hungry darl."
You both walked besides each other down the street, Cid remained in his thoughts though.
Eventually he led you to a small cafe, named JiJi's Cafe.
Inside was decorated nicely. With tables spread throughout the restaurant and a bar in the back, TV's were hung on the walls.
"Hi welcome to JiJi's! Follow me." A young waitress with a light purple aura led you to a table by a window.
Before she left you both ordered a sandwich with your choice of drinks. She wrote it down and walked away.
You sighed, "Cid. What's wrong?"
Cid shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing's wrong kiddo. Relax."
You stared at him skeptically, "Uh-Huh. Then how come you've been moping around since the library?"
Cid didn't answer your question.
"Is this about the comment Mrs. Hartever said?" You asked. He glanced up at you but still didn't answer.
"You shouldn't listen to her. You're not that old! For what she said to be true that would mean you had a kid when you were like 5 years old. Besides she's probably old as dirt herself." You scolded him.
He chuckled, "She was my history teacher when I was a senior in high school."
He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, "Im a terrible person ain't I?"
"Of course not Cid!"
"You could have any guy, like someone your own age and I'm..." He trailed off.
"Cid I... This is... Why can't...", you sighed in frustration, "Cid shut up...please."
Cid looked surprised at you.
"I mean come on. I'll be a senior in a few months! You are not to old and I am not to young. The sooner you get that through your thick skull the better off we'll be." You smirked.
Cid grinned and shook his head and chuckled.
The waitress came with your food. You both ate and talked, Cid had finally went back to normal.

After you had left the cafe, Cid was walking you home so he could head to work.
He reached out and held your hand in his, swaying it back and forth.
"I love you." Cid said.
You didn't quite get what he said right away, but once it sank in your eyes widened.
"You...what?" You asked.
He shrugged, "I love you. This old fool is in love with you. There I said it."
You stumbled over your words trying to say something, anything. Unfortunately nothing came.
Both of you had arrived outside of your house.
Cid leaned forward and planted his lips on yours, ending your search for words. He caressed the back of your neck with his hand. He pulled away.
"Dont say anything. Just think about it, ok Darlin?" He said.
You nodded.
"Bye [Name]."
He walked away.
"Bye." You whispered, still in a daze.

You walked in and found Cloud watching TV in the couch.
"Hey. Where have you been?" Cloud asked.
"Out. You?" You replied sitting besides him.
He raised an eyebrow at you and smirked, "I was out too."
He was watching a football game when you thought of your scheme.
You looked at Cloud. Okay, you knew his name. His aura was like a baby blue. You kept that in your mind.
"Cloud change the channel to the Food Network." You said.
You chose Food Network because he never watched that channel especially when there was a football game on.
He changed it nonchalantly.
You gasped.
"Ok. Umm Cloud go get me a bag of chips and a soda...please."
He stood and went to the kitchen as you sat there in a surprised state of mind. He came back with Doritos and a Sprite. He tossed it to you and sat back down wordlessly.
"Ok Cloud, go back go normal." You said.
He shook his head and groaned, "What the- Hey! Why is the food network on?!"
He quickly changed it back he turned to look at you.
"Oh thanks." He took your chips and soda.
You nodded and went back to your room wondering if this was all just a dream.

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