28. some gravity falls drabble that made me unable to pee

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I wrote this on the spot in a group chat.

I may or may not have made a person have war flashbacks


The room feels hot. The room feels so stuffy. Yet the airconditioner is turned up all the way.

'They're dead, alright?! They're dead!' My thoughts ran like an angry river. 'So what if they're brain-dead?! Just pronounce them clinically dead or something!'

I reached out to pull Mabel close to me while I stared at the door helplessly. Why we're let in, we honestly do not know. Do the doctors and nurses enjoy our suffering?

It's hard to think that a person has a no-longer functioning brain, yet their heart and other insides are kept alive by tubes and wires and everything penetrating their body--it must painful to watch them in that state.

Wait, not must.

It is.

I can't talk to them. We can't talk to them.

Mabel finally broke the silence, a few stray tears slowly trickling down her face. "Now that we're here, what are we gonna do now? Where are we gonna go?"

I shrugged, eyes traveling along the little lines forming squares on the floor. I took a deep breath. How am I supposed to tell her that we're no longer gonna have any more adventures in Gravity Falls?

"Mabel, I. . .I honestly don't know."



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