Chapter 6: Lighter Hearing

Start from the beginning

Jackson was about to object, but before he knew it he was in their kitchen with a paper cup of some brown liquid. It was strange, the crowd seemed to part around Selina as she walked through the various rooms with Jackson in tow. The party was as annoyingly stereotypical as it seemed. Drinks, music, more drinks, some asshole taking a long time in the bathroom. At least the cups weren't the red solo ones seen in every teen flick. They were clear and without a lip, instead sloping up at a very strange angle. Jackson watched his cup because he didn't dare interact with anyone and didn't dare drink from it.

The interaction wasn't a problem, Selina did most of that for him. Still, in her high-end colonial kitchen, Selina Sadie Demarcson made sure to keep Jackson engaged. It was actually honorable the lengths she went to. As they talked about school and homework, Jackson couldn't help but feel detached from the entire ordeal. He couldn't shake the feeling that he shouldn't have come. Something felt off, whether it was the uber-expensive house, the rowdy teenagers, or how Selina seemed to laugh just a little too much when he cracked a joke about the (in his opinion, tacky) chandelier. It wasn't even that funny.

"Hey. Time kid," a rough voice called, belonging to Connor as he waded between two Juniors inadvertently blocking the kitchen entrance. "I've been looking all over for you! Get over here!"

When the muscle-bound student finally reached them, Jackson shared a meaningful glance with him. It was a look that screamed, "go along with it, trust me."

"Hey, Connor. Where are we going?" he asked.

Selina stayed silent, watching Connor like a hawk. "The living room. Me and Daniel are hangin' over there."

"Oh, go have fun." Selina giggled, waving her hands, "I need to throw out whoever's hogging the toilet anyways."

And with that, they were off in their trek across the house. Without Selina it was considerably harder, Connor had to physically move some people who didn't understand the concept of leaving room for foot traffic. In fact, very few people seemed to have respect for personal space. Jackson tucked in his shoulders to make himself smaller, but was still jostled around a few times. Fortunately, Connor and Damien had carved out their own little corner of the living room, on a couch resting against a shuttered window. What they had failed to mention was Melanie was also with them.

She was in acid-washed jeans and white blouse, the most causal Jackson had ever seen her. Melanie, as with all the other members of the Collins family, had impeccable taste when it came to public image. He was fairly surprised and strangely comforted that she wasn't at that level of formality all the time.

"You actually came," she stated. She made no indication it was a question, but also made no attempt to continue the conversation until Jackson responded.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Well, good," Melanie coldly clattered. She seemed to be clenching her teeth, with her arms close to her side. In fact, everything about Melanie's behavior seemed... off. It was almost as if she was a different person. After her final comment, she abruptly stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Jackson didn't think she was avoiding him, although that's what he would have thought if not for their conversation at the Writing Well. Instead, his theory was she had something else going on, taking up all her concentration. Jackson got the same way often, like all social interaction was wasting valuable time. Well, he thought that most of the time anyway.

Damien coughed, the kind of fake cough used to lighten up a tense atmosphere. "Heya Jack!" He grinned, "Forget about your old pal the Golden Snake?"

"Should you be flaunting that name around? Isn't that your secret identity?"

"Oh, it's no biggie. We're all friends here. Stop worrying, C'mon, enjoy the night! Show off your powers! Some girls," his tone of voice suddenly changed from a yell to a whisper. He leaned down to Jackson's ear, and he could smell alcohol, "Some girls think powers are super hot. Or guys if that's your thing. You see that guy over there?" He pointed to a tall kid leaning on a wall, chatting to Lillian and Jennifer. "That's Kevin. I can hook you two up if ya want, play wingman."

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