"Don't fight me." Smooth and low, his tone had that delicious edge, a tell for his darker, riskier cravings.

Rey laid quiet, watching him bend down beside her, running his fingers up the length of her torso, circling her nipples, pulling and teasing them until they were pert and hard. Lightly slapping the the swell of her breasts, they began to turn pink and fill with blood. Sucking from underneath, she began to writhe under his hold.

"Ben, what is this...?" She whispered apprehensively.

"Shhhhhh......" He replied as he pressed his fingers against her lips, never making eye contact. Continuing to work on her, Rey's breathing quickened, from fear, from pleasure, from the unbearable sensitivity that bordered on sweet pain. Ben was in complete control, taking what he wanted, and what he wanted was to take her even deeper, to challenge her. To free her. "Just relax."

Shifting and settling her body, she tried.

"I can't get enough of you...I can't get deep enough." He spoke softly, as his fingertips traced the hard numbs. Leaning forward he wrapped his lips around her right nipple and sucked hard, making her squeek. Circling his tongue, he smiled, exposing his teeth, working it back and forth between their sharp edges.

"Yes....I feel the same." She conceded with a deep moan.

"Then let go." Though his voice was soft, it still had the command that he used on her so many times before.

"I thought I did?" She squirmed, averting her eyes.

"Rey...noooooo." His eyes flickered, like they did when he knew she was lying, with that devilish stare.Tracing his thumb against her lower lip, he pulled downward, dragging the flesh with it. "What is it going to take?"

"I don't know? " Her voice was distant and distracted. It was the truth, there was always a part she held back, preserving it, making it wait. For what? For the family that was never going to return? Yes. A piece boxed up, locked tight, holding the last fragment of what she thought was hope,now realizing that instead it was filled with fear.

"Rey, they are never coming back. Accept it, and let it go. I am here... I will always be here."

Letting out a strained sigh, he lowered himself over her body. Laying on top of her, his weight wrapped around her. Stretching his arms, he slid his hands over hers, and looking down into her glistening eyes, their bond opened. Falling into a joined vision.

"Walk with me." Ben was reaching out his hand to her, their two cloaked figures walking toward a mound in the distance.

Footprints in sand and scorching heat. The Jakku Desert.

A baby laughing and cooing.

Decaying bones. 2 bodies wrapped together. A grave.

Crying. Screaming. Begging. Darkness. Loneliness. Fear.

"Forgive me. I failed you."

"Let us go, Rey." Familiar voices, sad and remorseful, blurred faces fading away.

"Go to him! The belonging you seek-" Desperation. Urgency.

"Take my hand, Rey." Looking down, it was Ben's hand, Ben's voice guiding her. "Follow me. Don't be afraid. I feel it too..."

Kindness. Compassion.

Enveloped with moist air. Again, looking down, watching waves licking at their feet. Salt spray and wet skin. Happiness. Peace.

Creeping whispering mist, a magnetic pull, calling to them.

The tree, the hole, the temple. Golden light streaming through the doorway.

Looking forward.

Facing, hands pressed together, as one.

The ground shaking and cracking. A warning...

Save him....

Save her...

The truth and the light.

Come together. It is the only way.

And as quickly as it came, the vision was gone, leaving Ben and Rey staring deeply into the other's eyes, rapidly blinking their way back to their reality.

"How did you do that?" Rey was recoiling.

"I did not do it alone." His eyes darted back and forth, scanning her face.

Rey could read his fear and apprehension. He was afraid she would run, like she always had in the past, from the truth and the pain.

"Rey, don't run....please."

Closing her eyes, she began to breathe deeply, eyes rolling underneath her eyelids, believing she was fighting an internal battle that only she could see. Stroking her hair, he pressed his forehead against hers, letting his tears drop on to her cheeks.

"I am sorry." His words were choked and strained, feeling her pain as if it was his own. Nudging his nose against hers, pushing her head back, he kissed her with such deep yearning, hoping he could show her how much he needed her, how he wished he could take her pain on to himself. How he desperately wished that his love was enough. "I will never allow anything to hurt you again."

"You are all that I have...all I have ever really had." Round, thick tears dropped out the sides of her eyes in a steady stream. Finn, the resistance, she cared for them deeply, but they did not understand what was inside of her. They would never accept that she loved him.

Reaching her arms around his neck and straining to find his mouth, she kissed him back, squeezing her eyes tightly. Dwarfing her face, his hands were strong and solid, holding her against him. Drawing it out of her, one kiss at a time, he absorbed the pain and sadness she was releasing, crushing it with his simmering anger fueled by the thought of anyone causing her such suffering.

He loved her, and she loved him, in spite of all of their flaws, sins, and damage. They made love, slow, heartfelt love. Two broken people, giving everything they had left inside, to the other.

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