I think about just not going to English, I’ll have to sit with Evelyn, and I don’t really feel like it. But then I think about not going and having to sit around doing nothing, and wait for Clay to come out of his class, so I better go. Even if I do have to deal with Evelyn babbling on about whatever.

Although this morning Clay was very obviously walking in with me, and had given me a ride to school, no one I know says anything about it. I don’t want to hear them talking about us or come over and ask me, and I wasn’t expecting it. But then, people do come up to me and talk about something, and then mention the new guy, as if it was still his first day. Everyone’s raving about Gia’s party, and disappointed they didn’t see her brother, or cousin – whatever he is. Like, they literally still know nothing about him. I feel as though I’ve known him my whole life, and hearing it is quite funny. But whenever I hear someone ask whether they know if he’s dating anyone, I never say anything. I don’t know why. I really don’t.

Evelyn speaks to me during English and apologises about her drunken state on Friday, and thanks me for getting her home. Then, she also says sorry about how she was acting with Cole, revealing that she’d apparently already had quite a bit to drink before I picked her up. I did think that.

However, she also warns me that she’s meeting Cole tonight, so that tells me that maybe she wasn’t that drunk, if she’s now arranged a date. I want to warn her about how he was with me on Saturday morning, as she has no idea about that. I haven’t told anyone actually, as I doubt Clay would want to hear about how apparently my ex-boyfriend still has a major thing for me. Even though he stands no chance.

But I think that if I do anything, she’ll just get pissed and tell me I’m being lame or something and lying to her. So I stay quiet, but I’ll call her tonight to find out how it goes. Maybe he’s nice to her though, and maybe it could work out. Maybe they could change each other somehow. I know it’s a big maybe, but I can still try and root for it or something.

The good thing about it, though, is that she actually seems a little nervous about this date – which is incredibly unlike her. And I think that’s a good sign.

I walked out of English with her, but as soon as we crossed the threshold into the hall, she was off in a different direction, and didn’t even say anything to me. I met up with Clay anyway, who had been standing outside the door when we came out. He did what he said he’d do the next time he saw me, and we got a raised voice from a nearby teacher for kissing in the corridor. Apparently it’s not allowed – although you see people doing it every single day. Clay just laughed and wrapped his arm around me, walked me to class and then arranged where to meet in the cafeteria later.


It’s now lunch and I'm standing by the big double doors in the cafeteria, but he’s still not here. I’ve been here a little while now as well. Evelyn walks past me with Idris after a few minutes.

‘Hey, Ada.’ Idris says as they walk past, linked arms and everything.

‘Hey, guys.’ I say, smiling. They stop a few feet in front of me.

‘Coming?’ Evelyn asks, nodding over to our usual table.

I must just stare at them or something, as they start laughing. But I’m just trying to figure out whether I want to introduce them to Clay properly or not.

‘Ada?’ Evelyn says, ‘are you planning on sitting with someone else?’

‘Um, maybe?’ I say, still undecided.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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