We have one important rule here: do not go in the maze

Start from the beginning

We walked down the corridors, the vines in here were thicker than the glade, it was darker, little sun seemed to get in at all. I couldn't help stare in frightful awe at the place, it didn't seem to bother Newt, he kept turning round corners like he knew where Chuck would go.

I jogged catching up with him to walk by his side. "I'm sorry, I think I'm just freaking out." I said calmly watching his face, he didn't seem to care, he just continued chewing the inside of his cheek. "Don't, it's not your fault, it's the stupid shucking medjacks fault for giving Chuck that drug."
I wasn't sure wether to say it or not so I did it anyway. "Well, it's not really their fault, he's had so many infection that he's become resistant to most the normals ones." I laughed at it. "That was the only drug left."

Newt chuckled, turning a sharp left. "How does he get so many infections?"
I swiftly followed, trying to kept myself moving so I didn't go cold. "He's a boy what do you expect?"
Newt frowned at me. "What's that meant to mean?"
I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on, you boys are the most unhygienic thing in the glade! No wonder you all get so many diseases."
"Not all of us love."
I raised an eyebrow.
So Newt raised his arm pit shoving it in my nose. "See I don't smell."I choked on the sweaty smell, grabbing onto his arm and pinning it to his side. "Yuck Newt!" I exclaimed laughing. I looked down at my hand still holding his arm, I saw his finger twitch. Right then I really wanted to hold his hand, interlock our fingers and never let go.

"Oh look there he is." I said sounding more disappointed then cheerful. I let go of his arm and we both walked over to the boy smiling and swaying in the middle of a stoned corridor. "Chuck, we got to go." Newt barked, turning the boy around so he was in the right direction. The poor boy was lazy on his feet, stumbling a little. "No." He groaned wiping his face with his arms, not his hands. "I like it here."
Newt grabbed the back of his shirt forcing him a couple paces forwards, Chuck fell to his knees. "No you don't." Newt said trying to pick him up again but Chuck just threw his arms out at Newt, trying to claw his freedom back.

"Yes I do!" Chuck shouted, his hands flaying everywhere.
I could see Newt getting more cross, his jaw muscles clenching and his eyes becoming stiff. Newt tried to force him back up, his hand being more harsh on the boy this time.
Chuck began to cry, falling to his butt on the floor, hugging his knees and crying. Newt looked to me, I just gave a sympathetic smile. I felt so sorry for Chuck, he must be in so much pain and confusion. He probably isn't even aware that he's going to die tonight... But then maybe that's better.
"Your turn." Newt said walking to switch our places.

I knelt before Chuck, stroking his knee letting him cry. "Chuck, come on stop those tears." He sniffled, his huge eyes staring up at me through this tangle of brown curls. I stroked them back, tucking them away behind his hair.
"Y/n?" He whispered. "Where are we?" He was scared, this was Chuck unaffected by the drugs, the innocent, vulnerable twelve year old.
I smiled by most warmest smile. "Nowhere Chuck. You, me and Newt just went for a walk, now it's time to go back." I lied, it felt wrong to make the boy comfortable, he would realise the lie in an hour or two when the grievers came for him, dribble trickling down their chins at such a juicy, large meal.
I held his hand. "Come with me Chuck." I tried to pull him up. Chuck was having none of it, his face went red and he screamed. "I like it here!" He rolled himself at me. Fuck! I wanted to scream but I held it in, struggling to push back Chuck. Newt was above, grabbing chuck off me. Failing as Chuck began to kick out like a wild horse. Nostrils flared, eyes frantic. I reached out for help, clasping something hard and lumpy. I whacked Chuck around the head, scooting out the way as his body zoned out and fell still on the floor.

Newt was there holding my arms pulling me up into him. "You ok?"
I nodded, staring at the grey rock in my hand the corner a deep iron colour. I gulped, looking back to the motionless Chuck and leaning into Newt's chest. "Is he....?" My voice faltered.
Newt bent down to Chuck pressing a finger to his wrist. I was cold without Newt to lean into, my arms bobbly with goosebumps. Newt shook his head. "He's alive just unconscious, maybe for the better."
I dropped the rock happy I hadn't killed him. "What do we do with him now?"

Newt imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now