The box?

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Hi guys! I left my old book with a cliff hanger so you would hopefully read this one. So I finally finished on from that.
I'm afraid I won't be able to update regularly for a while so please hold on.
Thank you for all the votes, you guys are amazing!

A cold surface rested against my cheek, I let out a sleepy groan and push myself up. A dull pain in my head forced me back down, I touched the tender skin, it was damp with a thick paste. I look at my fingers knowing I will find blood, except I can't see them. Panicking I rub my hands together, yes they are both there but I can't see them, in fact I can't see anything. Jumping up I stagger in the darkness head butting something solid, I cry in pain falling over again, jolting my spine.

"My names y/n!" I cry, "y/n." Memories of last time flash up, I could remember everything, the maze, the grievers, the gladers. This wasn't the box.

Crawling along the wall I sussed out the size of the room, it was small, like a bathroom. There wasn't a door, well not that I could find, there has to be! I tell myself over and over. There has to be a way out.

I huddle into a corner, pulling my legs into my chest. I sob remembering everything important, many times I almost smile thinking of Chuck's pranks or most of all cuddling in front of the bonfire with Newt. That cute British boy made me cry harder, I wanted him here, here with me, he would know what to do.

I hug my legs closer. A small object digs into my stomach, I frantically pull it out, I don't remember that being there. I fumble it in my fingers, feels like a lighter. Finding a flick up lid and a button a small flame clicks out of it allowing sight of my fingers red from earlier.

I stand up turning in circles scanning side to side, bottom to top.... A small lamp hangs above. It's within stretching reach, I roll it around in my hands, it's so cold and looks very old. I light it and hang it back up, the light is perfect enough lightening the room in a twitching glow. I cringe at the sudden light, covering my eyes. Slowly I adjusted.

Now I can really see the surroundings.

I fall back against a wall, my heart pumps at the speed of light. My hand holding in a scream.

Their everywhere, on every wall.

Pictures. The wall is covered in pictures, each single one of me. In the glade. Sleeping with Newt. Walking in the deadheads. Even from when a child! And each one has my face encircled in a thick red marker.


It felt like ages before I finally grew accustom to the stalker room, I got up from the ball on the floor I had been in. Taking deep breaths I look at the pictures more concentrated, some made me smile, like one of Newt and I. I pull it off the wall running a finger over his face, he looks so happy. This was my favourite, he was handsome and I was glowing in his strong arms, our faces inches apart. I sat down clutching it to my heart going over him. I start to describe his features out loud then there's no way I could forget him, right?

Holding the photo up against the light I mark yourself. 100%. "I love you.." I whisper.

Time went on with me watching the photo not moving, drifting away to sleep my eyes strayed off to the eggshell-cream ceiling, in the far corner was something unspotted.
A small square in on the ceiling, big enough for someone to fit through. Moving closer I realise it isn't drawn on, it's cut in and on one side are two hinges. Am I in a basement? On tip toes I push it, it moves half a centimetre. Uncertain if something stopped it or I stopped myself out a unconscious fear, it moved no further, my heart pounding against my rib cage and sweat forming on my brow. Was this it?.....

Newt imagines 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora