We have one important rule here: do not go in the maze

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Another request from @allielozoya - thank you! I'm loving these ideas, and am having great fun writing them!

I turned the page running my finger lightly down its edge. I peeked up checking Chuck was still alright and returned to my book.

The whole glade was busy and chaotic as normal, Alby barking orders in the homestead, cows mooing and sheep baaing. The odd boy sprinting past with a tool or a plank of wood. Whilst I was sat in a deck chair, content, and supposedly working. Not that it was a tough job. Come on its Chuck! What can the boy really do other than trip over his own stubby feet? I'm only here because he's on new drugs for his infection, the poor boy has to be on them for a week.
Not bad? It is, the drugs side effects are bad; he gets headaches, stomach pains and worst of all is the possibility of hallucinations. Winston said he saw the boy talking to his breakfast this morning, so Alby has demanded a round the clock eyes on the boy, in case he accidentally harms himself. Not that I'm complaining! I've just taken over from Gally, who made it sound like torture, but I was 30 minutes into my two hours and all I've had to do was fetch him a drink once. Otherwise I'm having fun reading dressed in shorts, a bikini top and an extremely thin sports vest on top.
I shut my eyes resting my head back and humming. "Oy!" A voice yelled behind me, I snapped up looking around my eyes landing on the second in command, with his hands on his hips. I gulped, he was going to make me work wasn't he?
Newt smiled at my startled face. "Sun cream, hat and glasses." He yelled across the glade.
I almost laughed with relief, and gave him a thumbs up before lying back down. This time I felt more unsettled, I sat back up looking round to where Newt had been, he was still there, hands on hips, waiting. I groaned and tossed the hat on my head, Newt raising one finger. He was going to tick off each one wasn't he?! Why did the hot boy have to be the most annoying?
I put on the sun glasses, but Newt was still waiting, fairly impatiently. Seriously?! The sun would be going down in a couple of hours! Did I really need the cream? Still I picked up the sun cream, flipping up the lid, my arms extend far away and squirting the white gloop onto my hand. I hated sun cream and he knew it, he was practically laughing at me. Reluctantly I rubbed the stuff into my arms and legs. "Face, back and chest as well." He shouted, then going back to the stuff from the box he was dealing with. I groaned and did them, certain my face was just pure white cream now.
I looked back up to where Chuck had been playing by and old tree. He wasn't there. I stood up slowly scanning over the glade. How could he have travelled so far? "Chuck?" I shouted, hands cupped round my mouth, they stunk of the artificial cream. I saw a couple guys prick up their attention at my loud call but went back to work quickly, not wanting to be involved.
Ahh! I spotted him, stood a couple yards away from the opening into the maze, the west door. "Chuck!" I shouted beckoning him over, but as soon as the words left my mouth he took a curious step forwards peering into the maze. "Chuck!!" I shouted more serious this time, breaking into an easy jog in his direction. He wasn't that stupid, was he?
He was picking up pace. Getting closer and closer. Then he started to run.
Oh shit. I sprinted after him, screaming out his name as he ran into the vine corridors.

By the time I reached the door he was a good two or three hundred metres inside the maze, he looked like a small fly compared to the great walls. I didn't think. There wasn't time. I ran in after him, ignoring other, distant screams behind me. "Chuck!!" I screamed. He was bent over, staring at the floor, trying to stroke something. I grabbed him, pulling him up but I was too late... In the deepness of the maze there was a hungry grumble. "Oh shit, we got to go!" I yelled above the noise, the flush of cold wind nibbling on my arms and legs. Chuck stumbled. I ran back grabbing his shirt. Hauled the fat boy up.
Three metres. The door were closing, the opening getting smaller and smaller. Some faces yelling at me to leave him and run. I pulled harder on his shirt, dragging him forwards, the fabric beginning to rip, making that cringing sound. Two meters and we still had a fair distance to cover. One meter. We could do it! We had to! I grit my teeth forcing myself to go over my limit and then...
Kapoosh. Whack. Thump. Slam.
A body, charging the same speed as mine ran straight into me, running from out of the glade. I lost balance and fell, the person on top of me. I stared over to the doors cursing, they closed, shuddering like they knew they were murderers.
I shoved the boy old of me, jamming to my feet and running to the doors, trying to squeeze my fingers between the crack and pry them open. This couldn't be happening! Not today! Not now! I slammed my palm against the solid concrete, the palms turning red with the collision. "Why the fuck would you do that?!" I screamed at the boy, my lungs unable to replenish any air. I snapped round at him and saw the brown eyes looking up at me mournfully, Chuck already up and wondering off again. It was Newt, he had ran in.
He shook his head mumbling.
"What did you say?" I practically shouted my lungs out at him.
He stared up at me getting to his feet. "You wouldn't have made it!" He gestured to the doors. "You would have been two more pancakes to clean up in the morning."
I balled my hands into fists. "That's your biggest worry! Cleaning us off the walls?!"
He lashed back, spit flying everywhere. "I saved your life!"
"I would much rather have been squashed than die in here!" I shouted back, the atmosphere suddenly going very sullen. Newt wise enough not to answer back, only run his hands through his hair frustrated. I rubbed my arm looking away. "You could have at least sent a runner in." I murmured, being spiteful because I was scared. I've never been in the maze, only seen the grievers through the window, I had no idea where to begin the night.
Newt either didn't hear or just ignored it. "Come on let's find Chuck."
I cursed as I saw the boy had disappeared again, I'm an awful babysitter.

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