I locked my door and went to their apartment. They quickly finished and we went to go and take a train to Incheon.

We rushed to the train station and waited for it to arrive. 

I called my mom as we waited.


-Brringg, brringg-

"Mom? Mom? A-Are you guys okay? I-Is dad okay?"

"Hae Won! Where were you last night? I was calling you and texting you! You didn't even answer!"

Jungkook and Jimin looked at me and heard my mom yelling over the phone.

"M-Mom, I-I'm sorry. I was sleeping..."


"Well, what happened to dad?"

"Y-Your dad, Hae Won... H-He got in a car accident as he was coming home. Two cars were racing and they accidentally hit your dad. He's not in good condition right now, you need to come here, quick!" she said sobbing over the phone.

Tears ran down from my eyes, and I tried to hide my tears from the guys.

"Oh, my... M-Mom, I'm here with Jungkook and Jimin. We're about to go on the train now."

"J-Jungkook and Jimin? How-"

"They recently moved in next door, mom. They wanted to come with me."

"O-Oh. Okay then. Well, safe travels and be safe my Hae Won. I'll see you soon. I love you!"

"Okay, mom. I love you, too!"

She ended the call.


We went on the train and sat together.

"So, what happened? Is he okay?" Jimin asked.

"H-He... he's not. He got in a brutal car accident. He's not in good condition my mom says."

"I-Is he going to be okay?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know yet. I hope he will be." I said as tears ran down my face again.

I took off my glasses and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my jacket.

Jungkook and Jimin didn't know what to say, which I understood. 

Taking the train, Incheon was about less than 50 minutes from Seoul. The whole train ride I stared at the back of the seat in front of me until I heard the words, "Arriving at Incheon Station."

It's been a long 50 minutes. I just wish I had the ability to transport so that I could be there in a split second. 

I feel so bad for not being there last night. My mom left so many voicemails and texts messages. I heard so much sobbing in them. Even in the text messages, I could hear her tone through the screen. 

I closed my eyes and prayed.

I asked that my dad would be perfectly fine when I get there. I asked why this happened to our family. It was just so... sudden. 

I was living a life that was just right. But, right in the middle of it, I receive these messages that my dad's in the hospital. Why?

I started to sob once again. I rested my elbows on my knees, my hands carrying my head, and my eyes crying into the palms of my hands. Tears dripped from my hands into my sleeve. I felt this eternal sadness in me. I know this was just a car accident, but why was my dad the unlucky one? Why couldn't it be someone else? I sound like such a killer in my mind right now, but I just felt so confused.

Is This Love? || JUNGKOOKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ