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Hey guys a new story coming your way!  Here is the first chapter!



I can't wait for the time I am out of this damn hell hole!  I hate school I was currently in math class listening about boring ass equation for freaking whatever we are learning about today. 

I really hate school it was never fun for me I usually sleep during the class and everyone was wondering how I did that I tried to explain once but it didn't work out very well. I wanted to sleep so bad but I have to learn about this stupid shit I hate school so much I am so glad it's Friday so I can go to the party that Tegan Tapper is throwing tonight it is going to be so epic I can't wait. 

Alexis is like my best friend in the whole world she was my ride or die I have a lot of friends but my three main friends are Ariana, Alexis, and Maci they were there no matter what Alexis especially she was there when I was little we were best friends when we were kids I mean little kids.

  Our moms had us play together we went to the same school, we hung out the all the time. Alexis is so beautiful she has strawberry blonde hair, with blue eyes she is a model in my eyes and I am pretty sure she could be one if she wanted to. Ariana has brunette hair with brown eyes she could be a model too, Maci she is tall and thin she is a little shy and has the biggest crush on Tegan Tapper in the world she has bleach blonde hair with the lightest blue eyes ever she has sky blue eyes its amazing how blue her eyes are. 

"Ms. Wilson can you please answer this question please" I looked at her then at the bored I didn't even pay attention to what she was saying but she knew I wasn't cause she asked me the question "uh no I can't I am sorry Mrs. Crater" she sighed "please pay attention" I nodded I do take school seriously cause my parents expect me to do so, so I try my hardest to try and get good grades when I can but I don't stray from my ways, I still party and stuff like that but that's because my parents are fine with it as long as I don't get pregnant at 18.

Once the bell rang I was out the door I was so happy it was the end of the day it was really killing me being here longer then I had to be here. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and I bumped into someone I looked up and saw it was Adrian Cade great not him. I sighed "sorry wasn't watching where I was going" he just looked at me I saw his friends I saw Tegan, Conner, and Kendall the schools biggest players in the damn grade more like the school. 

"Uh bye guys see you tonight Tegan" he nodded I just watched as Adrian watched me like what the hell was his problem. He could at least 'it's okay' or 'just watch where your going' but no he was just staring at me like he saw something weird which I hope he didn't see something weird I walked away looking back at Adrian and his friends.

He kept looking at me like what the hell is his problem, I walked to my car with my friends and we got in the car "what was that all about?" I looked at Alexis I shrugged "beats me lets go get ready for this party tonight" we all nodded. Tonight is going to be very amazing drinking, sex and everything above that! I can't wait! Let's get this party started!


Hey, guys how are you guys? Well here is my new book Closer I hope you like it, it's the first chapter tell me what you guys think! 


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