Sonnet: Prayer

224 13 7

Within, every word the speaker utter’d,

Strength hath granted, amidst those awkward pause,

A man of weakness, “God! Help!” he stutter’d,

‘Tis true, GOD listens, to his divine cause.

Darkness trembles, out of mouth, the words came,

Cast back shadows, down hell south, in God’s name.

But face the dread fact, no mountains can shift,

But power He gives, to the top thou lift.

Close thy eyes, from any of distraction,

Hands together, fingers intertwined to

Make sure nothing from, both thy hands slip through,

Voice your message, aloud, sincere passion,

“For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever and ever.”


                                              Eddy Tan Jia Cheng 3/7/2012 00:15 a.m.


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