War's Over for Merlin's Sake!

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When an odd student started to leave ; that told Harry it was getting late. But to his surprise again, Professor Time stood from her chair , excusing herself from Hagrid who smiled at her as she said her farewell. She said goodnight to the rest of the teaching staff then walked around the table and down the long stretch walkway. She did however stop near the exit and turned and walked up to the Gryffindor table.

"Here she comes lads, act natural" Seamus giggled.

"Hermione Granger?" Professor Time smiled from behind Hermione, who immediately turned to face her newest teacher. "It was suggested by my old friend Hagrid , that you were the cleverest person he knew and would most certainly help me out" Her voice was kind. Her accent Scottish , broad and heavy very unlike McGonagall's who lost hers through out the many years . " I was wondering, if it be no trouble if you could get every name of the seventh year class, from Gryffindor and Slytherin . You lot will be my first class tomorrow after lunch-she smiled kindly to the group-You know them best "

"When you mean names Professor , do you mean like a name chart or signatures?" Hermione asked .

"Signatures, I've been told you've been supporting House Unity and I'm very much for that also, I saw your act of kindness before dinner, talking to the Slytherin's of your age and I must say I felt pride to know I'd be teaching you . And that's why I've picked you, so are you up for the job?"

Hermione's face was as red as a Weasley's hair.

"Yes of course Professor, thank you for your consideration "

"Take no mind to it Ms Granger , I respect all of you fully and I'm excited for my first class and Mr Finnigan " Seamus's face paled and she looked at him dead in the eye. " Yes I am too old for you" Was all she said . " Please if you be so kind hand it to me at breakfast tomorrow morning " She smiled at Hermione and left.

Everyone turned to Seamus.

"When did you ask her that?" Ginny asked. Seamus swallowed worriedly .

"Just then , in me brain, lordy she can hear me bloody thoughts" Seamus looked down to his treacle tart .

" She is Legilimens " Hermione gasped.

"A what?" Harry asked.

"A Legilimens !" Hermione stated .

"Yeah just because you say it twice doesn't make us understand it better " Ron answered her .

"It means really, she can read our minds, look into your soul , feel your feelings , a Legilimens " She explained feverishly . Harry suddenly felt horrible, as no wonder she was laughing after he glared at her , she knew exactly what he was thinking. But maybe that was a warning on how he felt and that his welcome will not be as bright as McGonagall's. But by the looks of things; she knew that already and had something up her sleeve, but by his experience that was common in Defence Against The Dark Arts Teachers.


He hadn't known how it got so far but he knew that maybe it was his fault.

"What you doing Zambini?" Harry asked seeing him talking to Luna . Luna looked her dreamy self again .

"We are just talking Potter?" Zambini laughed lightly. Luna turned to Harry then back to Blaise .

"It's okay Harry , he wasn't doing anything , he was just complimenting my pin I have" She pointed to the moon shape pin on her scarf. "Harry feels responsible for me, you see " She said to Blaise. " He's being a big brother" Blaise raised an eyebrow,

Harry Potter and The Time KeeperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora