Chapter 14

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I hear a splash, above Axel and I. I also hear giggling. I look up, and see Clarisse and almost all of Ares Cabin, and Percy and Tyson. Also, Hades Cabin.
My ears feel hot, as I tell the water to lift out Axel, and I.
"Hi, Perc," I say.
"Hey," He says, raising one eyebrow.
I hear Ares Cabin yelling at poor Axel, and I go to his side.
"What in Taurtus are you thinking?" Clarisse yells at him.
"Shut-up, and leave us alone," I say, as he grabs  my arm, and leads me into the woods.
"Percy's gonna kill me," I say.
"It's okay, if it makes you feel better, I almost gutted Clarisse,"
That makes me feel better Sure, but the gnawing in my stomach returns, as I see a picture of Axel, dead after a quest.
"I have to talk to Chiron, will you get Rose, and meet me in the big house?" I ask.
"Yea, of course,"
We part ways, and I run to the big house.
Time Skip from Persassy
"What is it?" Chiron asks, seeing three demigods panting.
"I had a dream, that we had a quest," I say, gasping for breath.
"What? I had that dream!"
"Wait, were we found Apollo's harp?" Axel asks.
"Yea," I say.
The worry on Chiron's face is unsettling.
"The prophecy," he mumbles.
"What prophecy?" I yell.
"I can't say, but I will grant you a quest, Penelope. Who you choose to take is up to you," He says, returning to his calm manner.
"I choose Axel, and Rose," I say.
"We will get gods blessings tonight, at dinner. I will allow you three to sit together at Hades table, since Nico isn't here right now," Chiron says.
"Thank you," I say.
"Three Demi-Gods, of 16, shall retrieve the harp, but if not accomplished," Chiron murmurs as we walk away, shaking his head at the last part, ask if it is to dreadful to say.

Well! Penexle! Rose is the third wheel! Stay tuned!

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