Chapter 5

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After I watched Percy fill a glass with Blue Cherry Coke, I chose the same. Another thing Percy and I have in common is our favorite drinks. And colors.
The food they served was amazing. We ate the juiciest steak, and sweetest strawberries. I offered Poseidon a bushel of grapes, and I hoped he'd have my back.
Rose stayed in Hermes for awhile. Until one day, at the deadly rock wall, she fell, and landed in the lava, but, instead of sizzling to a crisp, she stood up, brushed the soot off, and walked away. Rose was unaware of the giant symbol of Hades above her head, until I nudged her arm, and pointed up,
"Uh, look up," I said.
"Wha.." her voice drifted off, as she saw the symbol.
"Part of the Big Three, Rose Williams, daughter of Hades!" Yelled Chiron.
I probably looked like a stunned idiot. I just stood there gawking.
She didn't know, that not only are we cousins, but our dads don't get another very nicely.
"It's okay," a new voice whispered in my ear.
I turned my head, to see Axel. I slapped him, noticing how close Percy was to doing the same. Axels hand hovered over the red mark on his face.
My heart was pounding as I ran to Cabin 3. Percy came in shortly after me.
"You. Slapped. Axel. Son. Of.  Ares." He said, looking half nervous, half proud.
"I guess I did," I said.
"He's gonna make it up to you in Capture the Flag."
"I guess he will, but I can just lead him to the water, and beat him that way. I'll win, either way," I tried to sound confident, but it came out as a nervous stutter. 
"You better hope he forgives you. But, then again, Ares aren't the forgiving type. He's probably planning your death right now." Percy said.
"Great," I said sarcastically.

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