“We have enough dad. You don’t have to worry, I promise.” I push his wallet back towards him and he sighs.

“I will always worry about you honey” he kisses my forehead, “especially when you have this knucklehead looking after you.” He tilts his head towards Ryan who is currently looking at us and smiling with a full on foam beard and mustache.

“Ryan! Get your ass up already!” I slap his ass and he jerks up, his face decorated with the imprints from his pillow.

“Do you have to be so violent in the morning.” He mumbles as he rolls out of bed. His hair is sticking up in all directions and his bare chest is on full view. I look away busying myself with pulling out some clothes for him to wear. I know I see him every day without a shirt, but seeing him in just his boxes, with his hair all messed up and sleep in his eyes, brought on memories which I have tried to keep tucked away.

“It’s already ten, we still need to fetch my bags and listen to mothers ramblings.” I throw a clean plain white t-shirt and old jeans at him. He pulls them on before rushing to brush his teeth and wash his face.

“We have enough time woman, stop stressing. If your mother doesn’t stop talking, we’ll just knock her out and leave.”

“I like how you think.” I roll my eyes, picking up his duffel bag and walking out of his room.  


“You cannot just up and leave!” My mother’s voice is at an impossibly high pitch and it looks as if she will spontaneously combust.

“Look, I need to leave for a few weeks,” I rolls my eyes as she squeaks at the word ‘weeks’, “I’ll have Ryan with me at all times and we not going to be doing anything crazy.” Besides enter an illegal underground mixed martial arts tournament. But she didn’t need to know that.

“I think she can do with a little holiday.” Tom nods his head at me while talking to my mother. I could’ve almost smiled at the man in that moment. Almost.

“You are agreeing with this insane plan?” My mother stares at Tom with her mouth agape.

“Well I think she’s old enough to make her own decisions,” I almost snort at that comment, I have been old enough to make my own decisions for long enough, “plus I don’t see any harm in exploring the country. But I insist that you take one of my credit cards.” He reaches towards his suit pocket and I almost punch him in his rich ass face.

“We don’t need your money! Our tickets are booked and we both have saved enough money to last us a month.”

“I understand, but it would put your mother’s heart to rest if she knew you had enough money in case of an emergency.” Tom slides a gold credit card across the counter, his face pulled into a tight smile.

I open my mouth to tell him where he could shove his credit card but I stop as Ryan reaches past me and pulls the card towards him.

“Thank you Mr Anderson. We will make sure to use it if we need to.” His voice is light but his shoulders are tense. He gives my mother a tight smile before turning towards me, “I’ll take your bags out.” He rubs my arm soothingly before walking out.

“Well then, I’ll see you in a few weeks.” I trail off uncomfortably. I guess I inherited my father’s marvellous farewell skills.

“Oh honey…” before I could react my mother has me in a tight hug, “take care of yourself, and don’t get into any trouble and don’t forget to take your pills.” My mother rambles on in my ear as I stand stiff, not making a move.

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