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I was alone in the design department's main office, shuffling around my desk, trying to find a reason to not go home.

I was one of those odd people who preferred being at work to being at home, but I guess it was understandable, given the circumstances.

"Mr Horan?"

I jumped a little as there was a soft tap on the glass door behind me. Turning slowly around, I saw Bella standing in the doorway with her dark brown leather bag slung over her shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked softly.

She was nice enough, and she was doing pretty well as Mr Styles' assistant so far from what I'd seen; he went through assistants quicker than Zee went through a bottle of hair gel.

She smiled at me.

"Mr Styles wanted me to tell you that he wants the mock up of the double page spread to be with the editors by tomorrow morning, but he said he'll leave you a note with the exact time."

She was quite quietly spoken. I'd never noticed before.

Her hair was long and dark, and her eyes were a striking hazel colour.

She was definitely pretty; no sane human could deny that.

Shame I was gay as hell.

It was generic and cliché for the head of the design department for a fashion magazine to be gay, but I couldn't help how I was.

"Thanks Bella. Have a nice evening." I smiled back at her, having noticed the time as I was searching for something to occupy me.

It was almost 8pm.

"Are you staying? I was going to ask if you wanted to ride down with me." She glanced down, almost looking embarrassed.

I sighed, rolling my eyes subtly before she managed to look up and catch me.

I guessed I probably should be heading home by now given that I couldn't find anything to do.

"No, actually, I'll ride down with you. Just give me a second to grab my stuff." I smiled at her again and her face lit up.

"Great! I'll wait, don't worry." She grinned, and I could feel her watching me as I packed my belongings into my bag and picked up my coat.

I walked to her and we stepped out, shutting the glass door behind us.

She kept glancing up at me as we walked towards the elevators, but I kept my gaze ahead. I didn't want to give her the wrong idea.

"You got any plans for this evening?" she asked chirpily as I pressed the down button and we waited for the elevator to arrive.

I shook my head, still not properly looking at her.

"Not really. I'll probably just go home, make some dinner and watch tv." I shrugged, stepping into the spacious elevator as it arrived. She hurried in after me, standing much closer to me than she needed to in the decently large space. 

"Oh, that's cool. So, you live alone?" she asked, as I pressed the 0 button and the elevator doors shut slowly.

I sighed; was she really going to ask questions this whole time?

She didn't seem talkative at all around Mr Styles, but then again, most people were trying not to piss themselves or pass out when he was around.

"Yeah. Just little old me." I nodded, trying to ignore my mind wondering.

Living alone was one thing I hated; I hated it more than anything.

You'd think I'd be over it by now, after having left home at 18 to start my bachelor's degree.

Gucci Suit || Narry auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin