Chapter Ten (What happened earlier...)

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Two nights ago...

They were starting to leave the school as Twinkle then heard a rustle from one of the bushes. Though it could have been a prank, Twinkle was interested in this bush that made noises. She stepped towards the bush when she remembered something. I probably should stay with the group. I don't want to leave them hanging when something could be bad.

After a while of hesitation, she slowly and silenty flew towards the bush. As she approached, the bush started to rattle, making her interest in the noise even more higher. She was about to see what is going inside that bush when a shadow appeared behind her. She started to scream when she was hit with something and suddenly, her vision went blank.

When she woke up she noticed something odd about this room that she was in. The bed she just woke up were stained with what looked like ketchup, wallpaper that is starting to fade, making the room as horror as possible, and the only furniture that she saw were two tables and what looked like a closet. She then noticed how the pain was hurting on her head.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" She asked, but was left with silence.

Suddenly, the door clicked and slowly opened. Twinkle thought it was only a nice person when she noticed something. The "blood" stains on the covers, the poorly covered wallpapers, and the oldest furniture had one thing in common: it was a horror game.

She quickly went under the bed, just in time as the door fully opens, revealing a person with a white dress. She comes near Twinkle, looking around to see if this noise started again. With no luck, she turns away, leaving a bear trap next to the only exit out. Obviously she had wings, and flew away from the room, being unharmed by the trap. But as she entered the other room on the left, next to the one where she woke up, the same woman caught her, and ran as fast as she could to knock Twinkle out. Twinkle knew this was about to happen and dodged the woman's swing, only to trip and fell down the stairs and got caught by an another bear trap. Its sharp edges of the trap pressed on her wing, "blood" dripping onto the floor. Well great then. There is now way I will avoid her now.

But she then spotted something else. Something that doesn't belong to that game whatsoever. Jaiden's pen. She took the pen, and drew a bat as fast as she can before the woman can get down the steps. Once she did, she bashed the woman with that bat, and the woman flopped down. When she knew that the lady was paralyzed, she trapped the creepy lady inside one of the  bedrooms and locked it with a drawn key. Now i've got to leave before she wakes up again.

But as she took down a wooden board off the door, she noticed something shiny on her right. Curiously, she trotted to that thing and had a closer look. When she got there, there was nothing but an envolope that had a mirror on top only for reflection. She ripped the envolope and got a paper out of the ripped envolope. It read,

July 22, 20xx

I don't know why i'm in here. Some weird being is trying to hunt me, but I don't know why. It keeps saying that it wants to help me go through my problems by not sleeping, but there were no problems that I created. I kept saying no, but then nightmares started comming to me. It lasted for what seems like forever, but I couldn't stant it anymore. And I made the wrong choice. If anyone is reading this, then I have something to stop it. It's-

She then noticed the black paint covering the rest of it. She hid the paper inside the drawn backpack, and comtinued to break the barriers and leave the house. Upon leaving, the scenery changed, into what looked like the sky. And then she saw May, being quiet writing some stuff down, on her notebook.

"... And then we heard loud talking, and here we are," Twinkle concluded.

"But how did you found Jaiden's pen?" Vi asked.

"Dunno. Magic or Harry Potter or something like that,"

Suddenly, they heard loud groaning, comming from DanTDM. He was awake, and was trying to sit up. The Squad looked at him, and he looked at them. It was a silent awkward moment when Dan broke the silence.

"Okay, what did I miss based on your expressions?" Dan asked.

Twinkle and Vi looked at each other. None of them spoke.

"Dan, you missed everything," SSundee replied. "And we've got a story to tell..."

A Nightmare (Sequel to Just a Dream)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant