Chapter Sixteen (The Battle of Light and Dark)

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"Quick, if we get there early, then we could take the first blow!" Twinkle hollered while running.

They have just passed the dark forest, which borders the Dark Lands, and now were nearing the entrance to their lair. But before they could do anything, the doors opened, and on the other side, showed the Dark team.

"Letz a go!" The person in front of the group yelled, Luigi style before looking to see that they were blocked by the TurtleAnimatedTDM. He then looked shocked, but shook it away. "How on Daylight did you get here?" he demanded.

"Itsa us, Twinkle and May!" Twinkle hollered, Mario style before she caught weird glances from both of the sides. "That sounded better in my head."

Suddenly, silence. No one made the first move, until Jaiden had to do something.

"Over there! A bird!" Jaiden yelled.

The opposite, got distracted, looking at where she was pointing when the TurtleAnimatedTDM stuck first. They were caught off guard, until Diamo got their attention back. The battle had begun.

James and Jaiden animated whatever they can to get the videogame characters distracted. Once so, they they took the blow from those dark videogame characters, making them poof and disappear. Twinkle and May fought side by side, taking care of both Chrysalis (mlp character) and the Gaisha (Little Nightmares). The Turtleneck Sweather Bunch and Vi fought either half of the other dark Youtubers (GrizzlyVoices, Blazing Phill, Daniel, Tomskarr, and Pamic Attack while Sans, Frisk, Torriel, Seven, Asriel, and Six took the other half (Iankneecox, SharkYoHo, KillthePJ, Jackkills, and TJSmith). Everyone was occupied with one from each group except for Dan, Diamo, and DarkODan.

"Diamo, you go first!" DarkODan insisted.

"Really?" Diamo asked, being brightened. "Yea, no, DarkOats."

DarkODan looked hurt, seeing as he used his mocked name and was confused. "Why exactly? He's yours to kill Diamo!"

He then smirked at DarkODan. "Because I have planned this to happen."

He then gets his sword out, and has the blade towards DarkODan's neck. DarkODan, who looked confused, started to know everything.

"Why?" He demanded. "Why did you do this? I followed you, did what you wanted, and now you betrayed me?"

"I knew that you were weak, being the one called out! I choose you to act more dark! Turns out I was wrong." He pressed the blade towards DarkODan's skin. "You always made the common mistakes, and you even failed to wipe out Dan yourself multiple times! That dabbing robot was just weak!"

However, Dan had enough of this. He snuck behind Diamo, and punched him in the head. Diamo was unbalanced, and toppled off to the side, the sword falling with him. DarkODan looked at Dan curiously.

"Dont worry," Dan said as he looked at him. "It sometimes happens when I know you changed."

But Diamo used his right leg, since it was close to Dan, and made him trip and fall to the ground. He got up, and using a knife, did the same thing again to DarkODan and Dan. "I will not surrender like that when you try to kill me!" He shouted.

"But can you with this?" The pug launched and grabbed one of Diamo's legs with her teeth, and so did another pug on the opposite side.

"Ellie? Darcie? What are you guys doing here?" Dan asked.

"Don't worry." Jemma, who just took care of Denton and EvilTDM, pushed Diamo, and he fell while the pugs let go of his legs. "I did that on purpose."

"But with us talking?" Darcie yelped in excitement. "This will anoy you both!"

"So what now?" DarkODan asked.

"Now?" Dan walked to Diamo. "It's over for you, Diamo!"

"It won't! Not now!" Diamo teleported behind Dan, and stabbed his back with a knife. Dan gasped, but didn't feel anything. Suddenly, a bar filled with a blue color suddenly decreased, leaving a bit of something clear covering instead.

"What even is that?" Jemma asked, horrified.

"It was something that had to do with that dabbing robot," DarkODan explained. "Denton made it as a Plan B, but never told me until a few hours ago. Said it was used like a normal fighting game, where his HP would go down. If it fully goes down, he gets a "Game Over".

"Why didn't you te-"

But DarkODan interrupted Dan. "I never got too close to have a conversation with you! Even in real life, because I was weak to fully go there for a day. That was why I took advantage and kidnapped those girls! I was told to do so by Diamo."

"And you failed." Diamo tackled DarkODan, tumbling on the floor until he pinned him.

"I never fully got the chance to find how to do so for a whole day!" DarkODan argued.

"Ellie, Darcie, take it away!" Dan commanded.

"Yea, yea, you people get too bossy sometimes," Ellie complained as she threw herself behind Diamo's back while Darcie head-butted Diamo, making him fall again on the ground, blood staining the floor

Diamo, who was in pain, stood up. "You will never-"

"Azarath Mentrion Zintoz!" May yelled, using her wand to zap Diamo aggressively.

Diamo then fell to the ground, and stayed there. Vi along with the TurtleAnimatedTDM and Team Darko, got around him, stopping the battle. Suddenly, lots of light shot out of Diamo, turning each dark Youtuber back to their original self, along with dark video game and mlp characters dissapear along with Diamo. Then silence.

"So," Jemma looked at Dan. "This is it, right?"

"Yea..." Dan looked at her. "It's finally done."

to be concluded... For about a few minutes.

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