Chapter Eight (Betrayal)

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"Gezz, you guys need to stop doing things like this," Joyce warned.

They finally found Vi and May by following what they said through text messages. But there was no sign of Dan anywhere. They even checked his messages, but nothing came from him. Suddenly, they hear a loud cry comming from somewhere near them.

"We need to check that out! It could be Dan!" James yelled.

They sprinted out of the building and ran as fast as they could. They even assumed where it came from that voice. Once they got to where the scream was, it only showed Trayourus, but not Dan.

"AHA! I knew it wasn't you!" Vi hollered in an angry tone.

"Well, you know i'm really not the actual Trayourus. Even Dan couldn't figure out it was me all along," Tray said.

"Then who are you?" Everybody in the Sweather Squad except for Vi asked.

"Why, i'm Denton. Dr. Denton," Denton replied. "And you're surrounded!"

Before Vi spoke, DarkODan came behind them, blocking the only exit out of the dark hallway. He laughed wickedly at them.

"Comming to look for Dan?" DarkODan asked. "Well, he is awake... from the real world!"

"Either way, you're outnumbered!" May yelled at them.

"Well then, time to unleash the Derp!" SSundee shouted as he removed his shades off.

"Hey, wait for me!" Crainer said as he turned into an "evil" version of Crainer.

The guys then tried tackling Denton, but with his scientific mind, used gravity against them. With a hard landing on the ground, the two then disappear out of nowhere. Jaiden and James drew swords, but was just in time as Neo's hacking glove have been hacked by DarkODan and hacked the tablets against them. Each person got a sword, and they all splited up for one villian. Vi, Joyce, May, and y/n tried to take down DarkODan while Jaiden, James, Thea, and Madelyn take down Denton.

"May, sneak around and take Dark on the back, while we all distract him," Vi whispered to May.

"Got it."

They try to distract Dark, but as May tried to creep up on him, Denton saw her while being takled down by the Youtubers and called out to Dark.

"Behind you!"

Dark turned around and punched May right on the face, making her growl in anger. Denton finally got the Youtubers out of him, and turned his attention to Vi, Joyce, and y/n, who were trying to help May fight back. May saw this, and as she used her wand to make DarkODan sleep, she saved them by using a spell that would make him lazy to attack. When she finally made him flee, she looked at the other girls, who were shocked to see that May did something good for once.

"Hmm, isn't it almost time to wake up?" She asked.

"Yea, it should be, but we can't wake up," Joyce responded.

After a while, May hesitated. "Maybe causing pain?"

"No. That would-" Vi began.

"Perfect idea!" Y/n agreed. "This can make us wake up, with all of that disturbance!"

"Okay, but you will hate me for this," May said guiltily.

"Don't worry, as long as we can be awake," Joyce said.

"Uhh I don't think that-" Vi objected, but was stunned by May's power.

After a while of pain and felt like it was forever, Vi jolted out of her sleeping bag. SSundee and Madelyn looked, and sighed in relief when they saw it was her. But there was no sign of Crainer, nor Thea.

"Where are they?" Vi asked, waiting to get answers.

"Just out for a walk," SSundee replied.

"... And what's with Dan hugging me now?" Vi asked again.

"Terrified, of course. I guess you were right all along," Dan spoke, in a trembled voice.

"Well, we don't have to worry. Trayourus may have 'betrayed' you, but I know we can make this," Vi reassured Dan. "We're gonna have to cause pain to them."

Meanwhile, DarkODan woke up to see that Denton is still alive. He shook his head to figure out where he was until he knew that the Squad was gone.

"Where are they?" DarkODan demanded.

"They fled," Denton replied. "But someone has agreed to join with us..."

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