“You and I both know that wasn’t what I meant Bowen,” I felt the shift in the air along with the almost overwhelming sense of power that came along with the new presence. A beast of a man took a step out of the house behind us. His entire demeanor screamed power, down to the very way he carried himself. His features were highly defined, accented with deep piercing brown eyes. He was an Alpha, seemingly born and raised.

“Alpha Shadowswood, I presume?” The tone of my voice was almost mocking, which demeaned his status and threatened what remained of his resolve. That itself was a very dangerous game of Russian roulette. Speaking with Alphas and Betas had never been my forte and was one of the main reasons I had avoided joining a pack after my own pack’s demise years ago.

“Watch your tongue, boy,”

“Casey you shouldn’t-,” Dominic had never had a habit of sticking up for me, and now defiantly wasn’t the time to start.

 “You’re defending him?”

“He did live with me for six months, Casey,” Casey looked betrayed as he glanced back and forth between Dominic and myself. With the way things were going today, it didn’t look like were going to end well. I turned to Lucie but before I could ask her for help, she had already started to speak.

“You lived with him for six months?”

“I lived with him for a year…,” Casey was fuming at this point. Usually creating this kind of trouble was everything that I lived for, but something about this wasn’t quite sitting with me right.

“Why haven’t I heard of him before? Why wasn’t I informed about him?”

“Informed? I don’t have to inform you on every person I’ve been involved with.”

“You were involved with him?”

“Casey I think you need to-,” Casey lashed out before even I could even react. Casey had been aiming for me, but instead his hand had hit Dominic’s cheek instead. Blood flowed from the wound, dripping in thick read rivets down his face and then pooling around his feet on the ground.

“Lexa, take Dominic back to his house and get him patched up. You still remember the way, do you not?” My jaw was locked and I hoped my eyes conveyed the severity of what was going on to her. Pain flashed in her eyes at my words though. I knew as well as she that Dominic’s house was the last place she wanted to go. She hadn’t spoken a word to Kaija since she had gone Rouge. She hadn’t spoken to Dominic since then either, and she and I both knew that that was going to cause even more problems to arise. Lexa swung her arm around Dom, glaring back at Casey with a look that I had only seen on her face once before.

“Ves, please go follow Miss Lexi. I want you to stand outside the door and get whatever she needs to tend to Mr. Dominic’s wounds, okay?”

“Yes, boss,” today was one of the first days in the few short months that I had employed Ves that his mere presence didn’t ease me. Silence passed between us after the three had left us. Casey, Lucie and I were the only people that remained, each of us not daring to be the first one to speak.

“Casey I need to speak with Beauregard alone.” She didn’t meet Casey’s eyes as she spoke, choosing instead to stare aimlessly in the forest that surrounded the massive pack house. My first impulse was to gloat, to let the impulsive façade that I had worn for so long dictate my response. Yet, as was generally the case around Lucie, that façade seemed nowhere to be found.

“I promise nothing will happen between us, Alpha,” the words tasted foreign in my mouth, yet somehow they glided out without a second thought. Lucie trained her eyes on me, her confusion clear as day at my words I had spoken. I knew she hadn’t heard me say much of anything to that effect when we had known each other. During the countless hours we had spent together, I had nearly had to force myself to respond with my usual vulgar vigor. But in my haste I had disregarded that mindset, in turn responding to the one that had formed during my time with Lucie… one that I had thought I had quelled long after Lucie had abandoned me.

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