"So you became a stripper?" I asked.

"I don't dance now, I make money moves." She said. We were there now at the planned parenthood clinic. "Well, time to get out," She said, changing the subject. We got out. I was suspicious, I was hoping what she said was true. I wouldn't want her putting herself in any more danger doing risky business.

We got up and went to the front desk, Doniya took the paperwork from her purse and handed it to the receptionist. We sat down and cuddled some more. There was nobody else there. Harry and Louis soon came through the door.

"Hey, did you say that you were inviting Liam?" I asked Niall.

"Ah, yes, I think so, I texted him last night, i think he's coming with his new girlfriend." Niall told me. My heart dropped when I questioned who the girl could be.

"Oh, okay." I said.

"Oh look, there they are now!" Niall pointed out. Liam and Olympia walked through the door. Our jaws dropped at the sight of the evil sexpot.

"Hello, look what we have here." Olympia whispered seductively at all of us.

"Olympia, stop, now." Liam said, firmly.

"So, is Zayn really pregnant? How can this happen?" She asked.

"That's kinda rude." Louis said.

"Hey, it's time!" Doniya called. We all got up and got to the exam room. I got a normal checkup. I changed into a hospital gown and Dr. Calderone came in, with another woman.

"Hello, this is Dr. Morilla, she will be performing the actual procedure." He introduced. Dr. Morilla was a young, asian woman with short hair under her hairnet, who was in a doctor's gown and scrubs. "I have to go now, but after this, I will perform another checkup to make sure everything is alright post surgery." With that, he gave me a nod and left.

"Hello, I have looked through your paperwork and checkup, it seems to me that you're healthy and fit for the procedure." She smiled.

"Well, I mean, I'd get an abortion if I were him too." Olympia whispered. "I honestly feel really bad for him."

"Will anybody be with you during the procedure, please keep your limit to four people though." She said.

"Niall and Harry." I said. I was still really uncomfortable about Olympia being here, and I could tell that Niall was even more uncomfortable. He whispered something to Liam.

"Hey, while they get their procedure, why don't you go and get yourself a spa bath?" Liam suggested, pulling out some money.

"Oooh, sure," And she took the money and left.

"That was quick." Louis stated.

"She'll be gone for a few hours." Liam said.

"Thank you." Niall thanked. We went into the next room. There was a hospital bed and warm blankets and a cart full of sterilized medical instruments.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." Dr. Morilla smiled. I climbed into the bed. Niall. pulled the blanket over me. I was really hungry, but I couldn't eat ten to twelve hours before this procedure. Niall pulled up a chair and held my hand. A big, middle age, black nurse came in and put on my medical bracelet on. She smiled and sterilized my hand.

"Hey honey, ev'thing's gonna be alright, hun, you don't gotta worry 'bout an'thing, the good Lord's watchin' over ya hun, and his grace will be washin' all of yo' shame, darlin'." She assured and stuck a hypodermic needle in, I felt the cold anesthetic flowing through my veins.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora