Transformers(animated)part 3

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Bumblebee's pov
As we went outside, we saw strange creatures.
Me:"Who are you?" I said. The man with four eyes said his name is Jumba,a man with one is name Pleakly,a little girl is Lilo,a blue creature called Stitch,his girlfriend,Angel, and his brother Leroy. Then it was our turn to introduce ourselves.
Bulkhead:"My name is Bulkhead." He said.
Ratchet:"I'm Ratchet, their medical officer." He said.
Me:"I'm Bumblebee." I said.
Optimus prime:"My name is Optimus prime,commander of the autobots." He said. After the introduction, our commander explained it to them why the decepticons are here on earth.
Jumba:"So that's why they're here." He said.
Optimus prime:"Exactly, there here to make war on earth so they wouldn't have to with the autobots." He said.
Angel:"We gotta stop them!" She said.
Optimus prime:"No. You must stay so you won't get hurt." He said.
Lilo:"We've face danger before. We'll help you." She said.
Optimus prime:"Very well, but get everyone to safety. Okay?" He said.
~The next day~
Optimus prime's pov
When everyone got out of sight it was me,the autobots,and our new friends. We were gonna make the true last battle of the decepticons. They came and we were standing and staring at each other.
Megatron:"You well pay autobot for humiliating me in front of the decepticons." He said.
Me:"Well maybe you should never have started the war in the first place." I said.
Megatron:"It doesn't matter. Once we decepticons rule earth you well never stop us." He said.
Me:"We'll see about that." I said back to him.
Megatron:"Decepticons, attack!" He said. They were running at us and we were running at them, the battle was beginning.

stitch and angel:love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon