Some alone time.

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When I woke up,I saw angel. 'Angel looks so cute when she's asleep.' I thought. Then Angel woke up too and we just stare at each other like there no cousins,Lilo, or anything for that matter, it was only us, until we heard from the bed.
Lilo:(yawned)"morning guys." She said very tired.
Me and Angel:"morning lilo." We said together.
Lilo:"I better go get ready."
Me:"where are you going?" I said when I got up.
Lilo:"I'm going to camp. I wanted to ask you if you can come but they said no dogs allowed." She said sadly.
Me:"it's okay. I was gonna spend some time with my bouchiboo." I said. We went down stairs and we saw a note on jumba's door. Angel grabs it and starts reading. 'If you're reading this note, me and pleakly went to go on vacation. ~ from jumba.' Then Lilo comes down and was talking to us.
Lilo:"Hey guys. What Cha looking at?" She asked.
Stitch:"Jumba and pleakly went to go on a vacation." I told her.
Lilo:"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Well,then that's mean you get alone time." She said. Me and Angel both look at each other and then smile.
Angel:"We finally get to be alone." She said excited. I was excited too.
[Time skip]
After Lilo left, me and Angel we're finally alone. Then she kiss me and I kiss back, we were both at it for 4 minutes, then we catch our breaths.
Me:"Does bouchiboo want to watch a movie?" I asked.
Angel:"sure." She said. We were finding a good movie until Angel found a movie for us to watch. It was called "Willy wonka and the chocolate factory", it was a really great movie for us to watch,we enjoyed the songs,we laughed,it was great until it ended. Me and Angel realize it was late so we decided to go to bed.
Me:"Love you bouchiboo." I said.
Angel:"Love you too bouchiboo." She said it too.
–in the next morning–
Me and Angel woke up together and we went to kitchen to eat something for breakfast. Angel was making eggs,bacons, and pancakes.
Angel:"Breakfast is ready." She said. Me and angel ate together and decided to go for a walk. We went outside until we were greeted by cousins.
Slick:"Hello Stitch and Angel. Would you like to buy a couples merchandise? It will make an obvious sign that you two are in love." My cousin Slick said very fast.
Me:"Naga." I said no. We continued walking when we met Houdini.
Me and Angel:"Aloha Houdini." We said it together.
Houdini:"Aloha." He said while waving. "What are you guys doing?" He asked us.
Angel:"we're taking a walk. What are you doing?" She said.
Houdini:"Just showing them magic." He said closing his hands and opened them revealing bunch of cards.
Angel's pov
Me and stitch were really impressed by Houdini's Magic, he was a magician. We kept walking and met slushy and dupe. They gave us snow cones,they were really nice to us.
[Time skip]
when we got back home, we went inside and then he said something nice to me.
Stitch:"Angel, you are the most beautiful creature I've ever met, you're amazing and I love so much more about you." He said. That was the nicest thing that anyone has ever said that to me. He was a nice boyfriend that anyone could ask for. Wait! I haven't tell him if he wants to be my boyfriend.
Me:"That was the most beautiful thing you say that to me,but I have a question." I told him.
Stitch:"What is it?" He asked.
Me:'Don't be scare! He loves you and you love him.' "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked.
Stitch:"ih. Of course I want to be your boyfriend,I love you and you love me. That's all that matters." He said yes and told me that he loves me and I love him,he was right. We were falling asleep fast and we hold each other's arms.

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