Taeyong (+ Lucas)

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IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I am not taking requests anymore (except for the people that have already messaged me). I'm really sorry but I just don't have the time, and I don't like making people wait 2 months for it! I hope you guys understand!

This was requested by...

Taeyong's POV
I was walking through the dorm when I suddenly saw Y/N and Lucas in the kitchen.

I stopped and peered through the gap in the door again. I could only see their backs, but I was pretty sure it was them. I've known Lucas long enough to recognise him anywhere, and Y/N always had her hair messily tied up in a bun.

But the questions I was asking myself were 'What on earth was she doing here?' and 'Why was she with Lucas?'

I hesitated before walking in, except they didn't even notice because they were too busy laughing with each other. Since when were they that close?

"Ahem." I coughed, trying to get their attention. They both turned around and looked at me. "Oh hey Taeyong! What's up?" She greeted me with a small wave.

"Not much, I was just wondering what you two were doing." I said, smiling back.

"Lucas just made me some lunch since you know how bad I am at cooking." She replied innocently.

"Oh. Well you could have asked me to do it, I could have made a nice steak or something. Anything better than those instant noodles." I muttered as I looked at Lucas' attempt.

"Hey, I put an egg in there too!" Lucas pointed out as if he was really offended.

I rolled my eyes, "Lucas can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked glaring at him.

"Of course man!" He replied loudly in English,  making her laugh again.

Once we entered my room, I closed the door and sat down. "Why are you two hanging out all of a sudden? She's my friend!" I complained.

Lucas smirked, "Technically, she's my friend." He said referring to their ages which were the same.

"You know what I mean." I mumbled annoyed, "And besides, you know I have a crush on her." I said quietly in case she heard.

"Well I have a crush on her too." He declared confidently.

"What?" I shouted loudly in shock, causing her to knock on my door afterwards.

After entering the room and noticing how tense we looked, she asked "Is everything alright guys?"

"Yeah, everything's great." Lucas said as he put an arm around her and guided her out of the door.

I angrily followed them and quickly pulled Lucas' arm away. "Don't touch her, she deserves better than you." I said.

"Excuse me?" He said in his deep voice as he towered above me. I actually felt a bit intimidated, but I was still determined to win this fight.

"You heard me! Why would Y/N want to be with a guy like you?" I retorted.

He glared at me before he pushed me backwards. "It's funny that you ask that, when you're the one who used to bully and scam people."

I frowned and pushed him back, "You know that was in my past and that I've changed now."

"Oh yeah, I remember you crying on that video." Lucas said laughing.

"That's it!" I shouted as I raised my fist and was about to punch him.

"Taeyong stop!" Y/N exclaimed as she ran in front of Lucas to protect him.

I reluctantly stopped and lowered my hand. Why was she protecting Lucas and not me? Does she like him?

I sighed, "Fine. I hope you two are happy together." I mumbled before I turned around and left the house.

Y/N took a moment to figure out what was going on before she moved away from Lucas. "I'm sorry. I like you Lucas, but only as a friend." She said, leaving him standing there sadly as she went outside.

"Taeyong!" She shouted as she ran to catch up with me.

I spun around confused, "What are you doing?"

"I came to tell you that I like you too." She said shyly.

"But why were you protecting Lucas?" I asked.

"You were about to hit him! I don't want either of you to get hurt." She explained.

I nodded, "Okay, but are you sure I'm the one you want? I mean, Lucas was right about all those bad things I've done."

"Yes. I've always liked you Taeyong, and after knowing you for so long, I know that you've changed. I see you looking after your friends and I know how truly kind and caring you are." She said with a smile.

I pulled her into a hug and whispered, "Thank you Y/N. You always know how to cheer me up."


Hey I'm back!
I hope you enjoyed reading 👍🏼

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