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Chapter Eight.

Deep breaths. I reminded myself as I stood outside the judges room, in amongst a sea of eager models. I was shaking violently, nervous was a huge understatement!

After what seemed like centuries, it was finally my turn, I took one final breath as I entered the room, it was a long runway like path to the panel. The room was bright white, so my dress stood amongst the white.

 The room was bright white, so my dress stood amongst the white

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hey gurl!" Miss Tyra exclaimed.

I introduced myself, displaying slight confidence. We talked about my unusual eye colour and my part in the contest. It was far more than intimidating, but it was a price to pay for independence.

"Begin when you're ready, hun!" Tyra sung soulfully.

I began to sing, my heart, violently pounding against my ribs. The ripple immersing my whole body into a numb, state of paralysis.

"You set off a dream, in me." I sung, just hoping I would stay on key.

As the meaningful song drew to a dramatic end, the entire room was engulfed in silence. All four judges were wide eyed and skeptical. My heart was thudding erratically.

"Wow,Arabella. Thank you." Tyra said, in shock. Was I really that bad??

I lightly nodded before walking out of the room, the sound of my heels clacking against the shiny white flooring. As I exited the room inhales deeply before I found, staring right in front of me-was Cove.

"You're good. Like. Really." He said, a slight stammer in his voice.

"Why! Thank you very much!" I said, blushing violently.

The next part was like a movie scene. He chuckled as he looked down, before returning up, for his green eyes to meet mine. We stared for what seemed a century, before he slowly tilted his head towards me. Our lips were close, so close I could-


My phone buzzed. Honestly, can't I have anything? I apologised, seeing the desire slowly fade from his eyes before I looked down at me phone.

Adam: Hey now princess, don't get too cosy...

My heart, sank. Not now, please not now. I've only just had the audition, I was about to kiss the most gorgeous guy, and now this.

"W-who's Adam?" The gorgeous guy asked, as his eyebrows furrowed in sadness. He could tell I was sad, but had the courtesy not to embarrass me.

"Just an old friend." I said, yet it wasn't completely false. I've realised now, that, I never really loved Adam the way I thought I did, he was comfort. Comfort-the enemy of progress. He is genuine,well, was.

Cove's name got called as he walked towards the large white doors to the judges room. The camera crew were eagerly awaiting at his arrival, as they knew the audience would drool over him. The way I did. He gave me one last glance of lust, before pushing open the doors, exerting his confidence as he walked into the room. He was perfect. Confident, yet not arrogant. Cove Carlile, was a force to be reckoned with.


I went back to my hotel room, sad, yet joyous as my audition was okay, I guess. As I slipped off my black heels, I looked up to see it. Her even. The bitch that stole Cove on the dance floor.

"Excuse me?" I questioned. "Um, I think you have the wrong room."

"No." She snapped. "I think you have the wrong man." She whipped her short, amber locks. I looked at her, confused. Trying to make some sense of her being here!

"The names Valerie. Charmed I'm sure." Do you ever just see someone, and feel genuinely bad for their family and friends? Well, I'm just going to say relateable.

"Well Valerie." I said, with a strong sense of sass. "What do I owe the....pleasure?"

"Back off Cove, Bitch. He is mine, it's great for my public image." She argued.

"So you're using him?" I laughed, who does she think she is? Cove is not an object! And plus I barely even know this guy! So why is it my instinct to fight his case?

"How dare you! Cove is life support. Without him, I don't function." She claimed, as she strutted towards my petite body, her height towering over my small build. She lent close my ear, only to whisper.

"Be careful what you open, as it may not close." What the hell did she mean? Where are we? Thoughts swarmed through my mind as she slammed the door in my OWN room.

I slouched in bed, tired and warn from the day I just had (and the controversy I just encountered) I had finally got into my pjs and was scrolling through my social media, when yet I received another message from Tyra.

Tyra: Tomorrow Models, is the deciding shoot if you should stay...or you should go. Good luck. TyTy xx

I didn't even have time to react, before my heavy head fell against the soft pillow on my bed....

Author's note:

Hey! Thanks so much for reading! How will Arabella do in modelling. Find out in the next chapter of 'Discovered by Tyra.'

Holly Heart 💜

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