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Chapter Four.

That night I lied in bed. My mind- swarmed with thoughts. My cheek, still red, I could feel a bruise coming on. Just great. I was so ashamed of being bested by a man, a man of which I thought I loved. A sudden rush of rebellion washed over me...I was going to run.

Slapping my everyday make up in a bag and shoving some belongings in a baby blue back pack. I was dry to expression. I was so hysteric I didn't even care anymore. My whole life, I've been living a complete fake relationship. I whipped on a hoodie and slapped the bag on my back. I ran to the window, knowing he'd catch me if I were to go down stairs. I froze. Paralysis took over my body as a single tear rolled down my flushed cheek. Hesitantly, I opened the window, hands shanking violently.

I extended my leg out, clutching the framing in the exterior of the house, and swung my other leg round- I was now hanging for dear life. My heart was pounding like crazy, I glanced down, seeing the freshly cut grass beneath me. Knowing there was no other ledges on the house, I had to let go, I had to fall- did I have another choice? Falling, yet freedom, every inch I fell, I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders. The landing hurt, yet the pain wasn't anything I've faced in the last 24 can bet on that.

I got to the main road and yelled for a cab, before I left I stole Adams bank card...what? I shouldn't feel guilty, it's justice! This all went so fast, before I knew it, I was standing in the airport, maybe Adam was the push I needed just to experience things for my self? I was clutching my pass port when I heard them announce my flight, with only my back pack, seeing as I'd buy clothes with Adams card there, I began to board my plane. This was it, America, get ready for a British baby!

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