Chapter 1

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Darcy Malfoy was thrilled to be on her way to Hogwarts. As any excited young person would, she talked about it.

"I can't wait! Do you think I'll make friends? Do you think my teachers will like me? What house do you think I'll be in? Do you think I'll make Slytherin, Mummy? I'm so excited! I can't wait to go to Hogwarts!" she exclaimed.

Darcy's grey eyes locked with green eyes across the station. She blinked and fell silent. The boy with the emerald eyes walked toward her. She felt the weight of his gaze with every step he took. Time seemed to slow. Then a family of gingers walked past. Once they were gone, the green eyed boy had disappeared.

"Come on, Darcy, what are you waiting for, Christmas?"

"Coming, Mummy."

Darcy followed her mother through the wall to platform 9 and ¾ and saw the mysterious boy again. He seemed to be talking to the ginger family that had separated them earlier. Upon closer inspection, Darcy recognized them as the Weasleys, a poor but pureblood family who were considered blood traitors. Not the best allies for someone new to the Wizarding world, even if they were quite welcoming to those from the muggle world.

"Darcy, hurry up or you'll miss the train."

"Sorry, Mummy." Darcy ran to catch up to her mother.

Darcy sat alone in a compartment near the back of the Hogwarts express. She examined the graffiti on the wooden seats. Carved into the back near her shoulder were the initials "JP, SB, RL, & PP." Darcy wondered who they were. Had they sat here, year after year, until they graduated? Had the four of them remained friends outside of Hogwarts? What kind of mischief had they managed to get into? Darcy was so lost in thought she hardly noticed when the door slid open.

"Excuse me. May I sit with you?" the green eyed boy from the platform asked.

Darcy nodded dumbly, staring into the most gorgeous emerald eyes she had ever seen.

"Oh," she said after a moment. "My name is Malfoy. Darcy Malfoy."

"I'm Harry," he said "Harry Potter."

Darcy gasped. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

"Are you okay? You look kind of pale."

She nodded. "I'm fine." But she wasn't. She had just realized that the child the Dark Lord had sent her to find was Harry Potter.

The Boy With the Emerald EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora