☆ Hissed Whispers ☆

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Dedicated to @BookyBookishBookNerd, the winner of the contest I hosted.

Draco opened the door to his and Harry's apartment, setting his briefcase by the door. He was quickly greeted by their cat, Snowflake, whose fur was puffed up, and she was yowling quietly. He petted her head.

"What's wrong, Snowy?" He looked around but Harry was nowhere to be seen. The cat pranced near the bathroom, but didn't go in. Draco walked closer until he could hear something in the bathroom. It sounded like Harry - speaking in Parselmouth. Draco shuddered at his hissing, but pushed back this odd feeling of attraction to peer into the room.

Harry was kneeling beside the tub, looking at something inside. Draco could hear a faint hissing that wasn't Harry's. He shuddered in disgust at the thought that a snake was in the house... of course, he was a Slytherin, and he did admire snakes - but he prefered to admire them from afar.

Harry replied to the hissing with some of his own - with nothing more than a roll of his experienced tongue, he captured Draco's attention.

"Khass haihrass eshahh," Harry hissed. He then reached into the tub, and a small, bright green snake slithered up his arm. Draco yelped in fear and drew back - it was then Harry noticed his husband had been there the whole time. He smiled,

"It's alright Draco. She got lost in the drains, came into the tub and Snowflake scared her." The little snake looked at Draco, flicking it's tongue out at him before resting against Harry's arm. Harry walked down the hallway and opened the patio door, allowing the snake to slither along the railing and down into the bushes.

"I'm still amazed every time you do that," Draco chuckled softly, rubbing his arms in attempt to hide his goose bumps.

"So was Snowy," Harry laughed. "She ran away faster than I've ever seen." He washed his hands at the kitchen sink, then sat down with Draco on the couch. Harry mumbled something to himself in Parseltongue, then cleared his throat. "I haven't done that since we were in Hogwarts. My pronunciation is off."

Draco shivered, biting his tongue. It seemed the language had quite an... affect on him. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well, I suddenly can't remember the difference between the pronunciation of hah and hass... nor can I recall the meaning of khassal." He put a finger to his lips, thinking. However, once he glanced at Malfoy, he noticed his lover's ears were red with a blush, and he had goosebumps up his arms.

"What? Why are you s-staring at me?" Draco stuttered defensively. Harry smirked softly, realization dawning upon him.

"You like hearing me hiss, don't you?" He smiled, moving closer and lightly tickling Draco's chin. "I've captured the attention of quite the cute snake."

"What are you talking about?" Draco shuddered, attempting to move away. But Harry's curiosity was caught now and he wouldn't let the Slytherin move.

"Aw, is Draco ssshy?" Harry teasingly drew out his 'S's, and as he expected, Draco shivered and his face grew darker.

"Harry, s-stop this ridiculous-"

"No." Harry answered bluntly, smirk growing. "How about we experiment with this newfound fetisssh?"

He picked Draco up and took him to their bedroom, nibbling on his ear as he walked. He released Draco, allowing him to stand in front of him as he pressed kisses along his jaw. Draco's back arched and he placed his hands onto Harry's shoulders, pleasured hums escaping his lips. Harry half whispered, half hissed into his ear,

"Ssso sensssitive and we've jussst starrrted," he smirked, then kissed his ear.

"Ahh Harry..." Draco dug into his nails into Harry's shoulders, which only egged the Gryffindor on, hissing seductive nothings into his ear as he nipped and bit at the blushing skin. Harry then pushed Draco against the wall, eliciting a moan from the Slytherin.

The biting, kissing, hissing - Draco had a constant shiver up his spine, a constant moan on his lips. All because of that damn sexy hiss of Harry's. Although he had an idea if what some of it meant, it didn't really matter what Harry was saying - just that it was Harry's voice, Harry's breath, Harry being, well, Harry.

Draco tipped his head back in a groan, trying to grind the needy bulge in his jeans against Harry, but the other man pinned Draco's hips to the wall, biting down his neck. When Harry reached the crook of Draco's neck, he bit down deeply, drawing blood - one of Draco's favorite things, and Harry could tell he hit the perfect spot by the way Draco's abs convulsed with his moan. Harry licked up the blood and kissed Draco's throat.

"Such sssweet moans from my adorably sssubmissive husssband," Harry chuckled darkly, finally allowing Draco to rut against him - which Draco took advantage of, grinding hard on Harry, causing even the brown-haired male to moan softly. "You're so good for me, Draco, if I press all the right buttonsss..." Harry bit Draco's lip hard.

"Ahh-hah, Harry-" Malfoy groaned. He was overcome with pleasure and could feel the beginning of his orgasm growing steadily. Draco whined, whimpered, tossed his head back - not caring to look good, he just desperately ached to feel. Harry noticed his lover's increase of movement and sound, and he thrusted his hips hard against him, jolting a surprised moan from his lips.

"Harry, ohh please I'm going to-"

Harry pulled Draco's hair, and hissed into his ear. "Cum. Now."

Draco eagerly complied, arching up high and moaning loudly, feeling his hard release send shivers up and down his spine. Harry watched him in satisfaction, kissing his neck gently. Once Draco had come down from his high, Harry layed him on the bed, holding him close.

"Quite an interesting turn of events," Harry smirked softly. "I'll definitely remember this."

"Sh-shut up, Scarface..." Draco panted, his body heavy and tired. Harry rolled his eyes, chuckling at his husband's childish remark, massaging his back. "And don't you dare tell Luna about this - I know you two gossip over tea."

"Oh darling, with how terrified you were of that little garden snake, I think I'll forget about this by the time we're done laughing." Harry laughed.

"Jerk," Draco glared playfully.

"Git," Harry smirked.


So I hope that was good, it wasn't as good as I had hoped but hopefully you guys liked it. I'll probably continue to do contests, so vote if you'd like that ♡ love you

~PPK ♡

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