Play Fighting

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Draco hummed to himself, reading a book, immersed in a world of romance. Harry sat on the floor, practicing wand tricks for their fluffy white cat Snowy. The room was quiet, the only noise being Snowy's occaisional meow, and Harry's soft chuckle. A blissfully calm Saturday evening.

Harry picked the cat up and snuggled her close, taking in her warmth and purr. Then, he noticed Draco out of the corner of his eye, reading intently. The Gryffindor got a devilish idea, and picked up his wand.

"Let's get Daddy, huh, Snowy girl?" With a flick of Harry's wand, a small spark flashed in front of Draco's book, and the Slytherin jumped with a small gasp of surprise. The cat was quick to respond, hopping onto Draco's stomach, making him drop his book.

"No! You guys made me lose my place! Ugh, and it was getting good, too..." Draco chuckled softly and petted the cat's head. He gave a playfully pointed look at Harry. "Mischievous, aren't we?"

"It's actually what I'm known for, yeah," Harry smiled in reply. The cat hopped down and sauntered away towards her food bowl.

"I'm gonna have to get you back for that, hmm?" Draco smiled, opening his arms for a hug. "C'mere."

"Mmm, no thanks. Make me." Harry smirked, standing and walking away. Draco sneered playfully.

"Gladly." And with that, he lunged forward, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him backwards onto the couch. Harry exclaimed in surprise, falling over the arm of the chair, into Draco's embrace.

"Gotcha!" Draco smiled. Then, he began poking Harry's sides. "This is for interrupting my book," he chuckled, having difficulty speaking over Harry's laughter, "And this is for trying to escape!" He quickly rolled them over so he was on top of the dark-haired man. Draco halted his attack on Harry's sensitive sides, and pressed a kiss to his forehead while the other regained his breath.

"N-not fair... I wasn't ready..." He smiled. "I could best you in a fight any day."

"Oh really?" Draco smirked, sitting up. "Alright, love. Prove it."

Harry also sat up, biting his lip.

"Prove it...? Like, fight you?" He mused.

"Yes. You said you could; prove it." Draco chuckled.

"Uhmm... I, uh, don't want to hurt you." Harry said quickly. Draco chuckled.

"I'm stronger than I look. C'mon, Scarface, you scared?" Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"No, Malfoy, I'm not scared."

"Well, come on, then!" Draco pulled him close. Harry meekly pushed his chest, causing him to do no more than sway. "That was weak. C'mon, Harry, like you mean it!" He chuckled.

Harry then punched his chest, and Malfoy smiled, then gave a punch back - restraining himself, of course. Then, with another punch to the chest from Harry, he dramatically fell over, pulling Harry with him.

"Ohh, that's it! I give into the great Chosen One!" He smiled, cuddling Harry close. Harry smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Weirdo," he murmured.

"Weakling," Draco murmured back. Snowy hopped back up, cuddling between them, as all three fell into a peaceful evening nap.

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