Chase me

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This fic takes place before Harry and Draco are a couple.

Harry tapped his pencil against the table, irritated. Draco had been especially annoying today. That stupid prat - messing with his friends, always has to have the last word.

"Harry," Ron whispered. "Draco's staring at you. Like, bad. I'd keep an eye on him if I were you."

"I can handle a blonde brat like him." Harry grumbled.

Tap. Something hit the side of Harry's head and landed on his desk - a tiny pebble. Harry looked over at him; he was snickering. Harry did his best to ignore it.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

A significantly larger pebble hit Harry's head. He closed his eyes, slowing his breathing, trying to calm his temper-


"Alright you little blonde git!" Harry stood up, almost knocking over his chair. Snape glared at him.

"Mister Potter-" He started.

"Ooh, the great Harry Potter seems a little peeved! Are you going to hex me?" Malfoy smirked, leaning back in his chair.

"I'll do you one better, Malfoy, I'll wipe that smug look off your face!" Harry was livid, his temper run away with him.

"MISTER POTTER AND MISTER MALFOY, IF you'll kindly step to my desk." Snape was standing now. Harry flinched lightly, and Malfoy just shrugged and stood. They made their way to Snape's desk.

"Yes, Professor?" Malfoy said casually. Professor Snape handed them each a slip of paper.

"Go to Professor Dumbledore's office at once. I'm tired of my lectures becoming cat fights."

"Yes, sir." Harry said softly. The two boys walked out, quietly heading to Dumbledore's office. Harry opened the door. "Professor Dumbledore?" He called. "Snape sent us."

"Over here, children." He called from his desk. He was filling out papers, Fawkes by his side, preening. "What can I help you with?"

"We, uh... had a little squabble in Potions..." Harry and Draco handed in ther slips. Dumbledore read over them and sighed.

"You seem to be having this problem a lot, don't you?" He asked. "I think I know a way to fix it." The Headmaster picked up his wand, pointing it at the two boys.

"And what do you suppose that is?" Draco asked cockily.

"If you can't seem to get along on your own, we'll just have to make you get along." Dumbledore said. "simul ligatum."

Harry and Draco were forced a bit closer together, a semi-translucent  golden strand connecting the two boy's wrists.

"Now you'll have to make nice. For forty-eight hours." Dumbledore went back to his work.

"What is this!? My father will hear about your crude punishments!"

"Your father, Mister Malfoy, mastered this spell in his second year in an extra-curricular course and said it'd make a fine school punishment. I doubt he'll mind much."

"With all due respect, Professor Dumbledore, what will this accomplish? We have different class schedules, we both Seek for Quidditch, we even belong to different Houses." Harry said.

"I guess you'll have to work around your differences to see eye to eye. Good day, boys, I'll see you in two days." Harry swore he could see the old man smiling. "You will be able to change clothes, the chain will let fabric pass. And you can find somewhere other than your dorms to sleep, I trust you'll figure it out."

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