Chapter Five

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Five

How can two girls be so unlucky? Officer Randall wondered as he took in the scene in front of him. Not only had both girls lost their parents at a young age, but they had both now lost the only family member they had – their grandfather. They were weird but they certainly didn't deserve this.

He'd never seen anything like this, most of the blood that was in Charlie's body had to be on the floor or on the walls. It was everywhere but the place it was meant to be. This was not a random attack, this was someone who knew him; this kill was personal and filled with rage.

Charlie was a quiet old man who didn't bother anyone, his hobbies included fishing and finding out as much information as he could about the civil war. He was harmless. Officer Randall looked at Rosalie and Bella as they were both sat on the sofa; they were in shock, both had a blanket wrapped around their shoulders, and both looked numb.

Randall rubbed the back of his neck. He'd dealt with death before, but this was on a whole different scale... This was murder – intentional, deliberate and most likely planned.

"Can I get you, girls, anything?" He asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, looking between the two girls, the large russet man, and the pale vampire. A sight he'd never seen before.

"Air, I need air!" Bella suddenly said, shakily getting up and going outside, Rosalie following her.


Bella went and sat outside on the front porch steps. "I can't block them out," she whispered desperately as Rose sat next to her and wrapped her arms around Bella's shoulders.

"It's okay," Rosalie whispered reassuringly, holding Bella close to her and holding her tears back. She needed to be strong.

Bella whimpered as the tears began to fall. She would never forget the sight of her grandfather lying on the floor, blood splattered everywhere... she shivered at the image.

"We'll find who did this," Rose said quietly into Bella's hair. "I promise, they won't get away with this." Bella nodded.

"I don't want to believe it," Bella whimpered. She knew he was gone but everything felt surreal – she kept hoping she would wake up and this would be a horrible dream. She would go downstairs for breakfast and Rose and Grandpa would be there, Rose cooking breakfast and Grandpa complaining that it was 'flavourless' when what he really meant was healthy.

The door shut behind them, letting the girls know that someone was there. Bella didn't bother to turn, she didn't care who it was. Rose turned though, relieved when she saw Jake there. She couldn't deal with any more police questions.

"Let's get you girls back to my trailer," Jake said as he stood behind them, wishing he could do something, anything.

Rose shook her head. "We're not going anywhere," she whispered, releasing Bella and standing up to face Jake, discreetly wiping her eyes as she did do. "This is our home – I won't be driven out of it."

"They want to move the body," Jake gently said. He hadn't wanted the girls to see Charlie being moved, but he didn't think he'd have much of a say in the matter.

"We're going to stay with him to the end," Bella suddenly said determined, standing next to Rose; both of them looking so strong when they felt so weak.

Jake opened his mouth to say something but turned when the door clanked shut behind him, Edward stood there; his eyes looking into Bella's, trying to comfort her without words.

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