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Hello peeps, and welcome to the Wonderland Awards 2018!

As you know we run the Wonderland Book Club, if you didn't know that... now, you do! Seeing that our club got pretty quickly filled with amazing members, we decided to host an award to see if we'll get equally amazing contestants whom we can help towards becoming discovered writers on Wattpad!

Now, let's get down to what we can offer because let's face it, that's all you guys really care about! It's Ok, we understand.

Here are our amazing prizes:

* Advertisements on all the Admins profiles on Wp.

*Forever and ever be a part of a public reading list on this account and our the Admins personal accounts.

*Detailed Review of the winner's book in our "Wonderland Winners" book.

* A permanent follow from all the Admins.

* A sticker to put on your book, which also entitles to bragging rights.

Sounds good? What are you waiting for... head over to the next page to read the rules for entering! 

 head over to the next page to read the rules for entering! 

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Wonderland AwardS 2018Where stories live. Discover now