chapter 26 - memories

Start from the beginning

"i feel like I've been here before it all looks so familiar"

"you have"

i looked at him ushering him to say more

"me and you came here for one of our very first dates" he blushed slightly

"that's an amazing first date" i laughed

"don't make fun" he joked

I smiled and we joke about for a bit whilst eating our ice cream.

"ready to go?" he asked. I nodded at him and we walked out our booth and threw our rubbish away

"wait, before we leave, can we go back to that park for a bit?"

"of course" he smiled and looked into my eyes. I looked down and blushed slightly beginning to walk back in the direction of the park.

as we walked in the park we started to walk slowly just enjoying our time while we were here.



"i know you said i shouldn't apologise, but i feel bad that i can't remember anything between us, it's not fair to you"

"don't worry about it Kayla, the doctor said it will take time anyway, all we have to do is hope and wait"

"i keep getting small visions of our time together but can't remember what has been said or anything else"

"don't stress, you'll get them back "

"im sorry this happened to me because it affects you too, id understand if you didn't want to see me"

"don't say that Kayla, i will never give up on you." he went to say something else but held it back

i huffed slightly in anger at myself and stepped back to turn away, as i did I heard Harry say my name and going to grab my waist but it was too late, a guy on a bicyle knocked into me and made me fall down hitting my head slightly. I looked up in blur and got some images in my head.

"im so sorry, she just stepped out, are you okay?" the man spoke to both me and harry

I looked at him and smiled "im fine, its my fault." he started to walk away and i whispered 'thank you' the man looked at me like i was crazy but my smile just grew bigger.

"why did you just thank him?"

"i remember!"

" what do you mean you remem...." he paused a look of realisation sprung across his face as a large smile erupted on his lips "are you serious? you remember?" He put his hands on my shoulders

"yes!" i exclaimed

he pulled me into a tight hug and muttered small words that i couldn't understand. Small tears fell down my face in happiness. He pulled away and looked at me for a seconded before smashing his lips against mine and smiling into the kiss.

"thank you so much for your Kayla" he laughed

i laughed back

"i love you" he spoke

"i love you too"

"you have no idea how much i missed hearing you say that" he smiled pulling me into another hug.

"well now you can hear it all the time"

"say it again" he smiled

"i love you, and you better get used to it because you're stuck with me forever now"


"forever, now quit being all fault in our stars and kiss me" i laughed

"yes mam" he pressed his lips against mine

"i love you" he whispered with his forehead on mine

"i love you too"


Authors note.


the end of kayry official,

Thank you all so muhc for reading you have no idea howe much it means to me, this book started out as a joke for my friend kayla but it turned into so much more, you guys started to comment and message me and tell me how much you liked the book and i found myself gettign excited to write every chapter.

my writing has gotten so much better from this book and if you check out my other books you can tell (chapters with more than 200 words haha) < i just roasted myself when i firs wrote this book haha

anyway i still cannot thank you enough, as im writing this, the book is at 4.4k views and thats insane to me and everytime i see it go up i die inside.


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if so leave a comment

lol and so on so on

it means so much yo have readers to have youll all come on this joureny with me.

I hope you will all check out my other books featuring

-shawn mendes

-kj apa / riverdale

-damon salvatore /the vampire diaries


and hopefully more to come,

so for one last time



p.s. I know youre reading this Kayla



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