"You done?" 

"Yeah." I muttered. Quickly gathering all my stuff and getting ready to bolt out when he opened the door.

"Lets s-What the hell?" He exclaimed, when I bolted out of the change room and out of the store.

"Opal! Get your big ass back here!" He yelled chasing after me. I gulped and picked up my pace running straight for the Starbucks shop. Throwing the door open, I ran into the store with Tyler right back my tail. 

"You little brat." He muttered murderously in my ear. I grinned innocently and moved to the line to get a drink.

"You could have at lease tried on the dress." He whined lining up behind me. 

"No thank you." I answered finishing out my wallet since I already decided on my drink.

"You're a complete  and utter idiot." He mumbled as I ordered and moved to the side and waited for my drink. s I waited I looked around searching for a seat. It was only then when I realized that quite a lot of girls were eyeing him like a piece of meat. I guess I can't deny that he is a pretty good looking guy.  The blonde hair and green eyes adding on his tall and built figure, he's not all bad.

"Hey, do you want to take a seat or walk and drink?" He asked. I did the calculations in my head, if I walk and drink he'll probably drag me into another store.

"Sit." I said proud of my decision. He rolled his eyes and took a hold of my hand and led me over to the spare table in the corner. Pulling my hand away from his, I seat down in the seat and my phone started buzzing.


"Hey Blossom. You free at the moment?" 

"Umm not right that moment I'm at Starbucks with a friend but I'll go over in Thirty alright?" 

"Of course Blossom." He said softly and hanged up.

"I have to get going." I said getting up from my seat, Tyler nodded and also get up.

"That was your boyfriend right?" I nodded and walked out the door with Tyler right behind me.

"How long have you been with him?" He asked casually walking beside me.

"Three months." I answered, keeping my gaze in front of me. We walked in comfortable silence before we arrived at the park where Zayn was sitting on the bench waiting.  Digging through my bags, I grabbed out the key to the house and handed it to him. 

"Go home first. I'll arrive home a bit later." He took and keys and nodded, saying goodbye and turning around and started walking home. Making my way over to Zayn who was watching us the whole time.

"Is he staying at your place?" He asked when I sat down on the bench next to him

"Yeah. For a couple of weeks. He was a very close friend to me while growing up. At the age of twelve he and his family left and moved. Yesterday was the first time I've seen him in five years." I muttered awkwardly not really sure how I should finish it off.

"You and him..." I stared at Zayn in confusion before it hits me.

"No No No, there is nothing going on between us. He's like an older brother to me!" I exclaimed hurriedly, hoping he wouldn't get the wrong idea. He let out a breathe of relief before chuckling.

"I sound so stupid don't I?" He muttered dropping his head down in his hand full of embarrassment. I kissed his forehead lightly.

"No you don't." I assure him, he gave me a flat look. "Alright, you sound a little stupid." I said honestly. He smiled and got up. 

"Come on, it's getting late I'll walk you home." He suggested holding out his hand. I entwined my hand with his and we both walked in comfortable silence.


"Opal is that you?" Tyler called out when I opened the front door and walked in.

"Yeah." I yelled back taking off my shoes and hanging up my bag. I made my way over to the living room where he was sitting in front of the television watching soccer and eating his dinner. I wonder if he cooked my share?

"Your share is in the kitchen." He answered reading right through me. I walked over to the kitchen, heated up my food and walked back to the living room with it. 

"Did anyone call?" I asked digging into...lord knows what but it was yummy. He shook his head without taking his attention of the screen. 

"No, No, No, Stop him. Why isn't there anyone there!" He yelled making me jumped sightly. "Oh look they scored a goal." He spat sarcastically at the television. Without thinking I let out a loud laugh and the bad thing was, I couldn't stop.

"What are you laughing at." He asked darkly. I shook my head trying to breath properly.

"You haven't changed at all." I finally got out. I wince when I shifted my position and my stomach ached. 

"Shut up. The goal was clearly unfair." He defended, I smirked knowingly and continued to eat my food. There was silence between us before he spoke.

"Does your..boyfriend know about the..."

"Yeah." I answered not liking where this conversation was going.

"That's good. I'm glad everything is going great for you." He said with a small smile.

"It is. Now if you will excuse I'm going up to my room." I said with a dark tone.

"Opal, I'm sorry." He reached out, taking a hold of my hand before I could go. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind. I...Didn't know what to do." He mumbled.

"You promised me." I whispered. "You said you'll take me with you! Take me away from the beating!" I yelled, yanking my hand away from his. "You promised me." I whispered, letting the tears fall freely.


"I waited for you every single bloody day. Always getting my hopes up when the phone would ring or when there was someone at the door." I reached up and covered my eyes with my arm, hiding my face from view. "I really did think that you'll come back for me. But days turned to months and months turned to years. I finally gave up when I ended up in the hospital. It was only then when I realized that you left me." I gasped when I felt him pull me towards him. 

"I'm so sorry Opal." He whispered, his voice clouded and it sound like he was crying too.

"I was stupid and foolish and only thought of myself. I hurt you and I can't forgive myself. You were like my little sister and when I saw you getting beaten up..." He chocked on some tears.

"I felt so useless. I felt like I couldn't protect you. I was scared." He cried, I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Opal. I'm so sorry." He whispered over and over again. How long has it been since his has hugged me like this? All my life he has been the brother I never had. The brother that I have leaned on so much that he has collapsed. Tyler I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I cried silently on to his chest.

Special Dance (Zayn Malik) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now