Chapter 13

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'Life is the dancer, and you are the dance.' -Eckhart Tolle

Behind him, Zayn stood there with the largest flower bouquet I've even seen. I felt myself let go of Harry's hand and run towards him, jumping into his arms.

"Zayn what are you doing here?" I muttered into his neck. He chuckles and placed a kiss on my cheek. "These are for you." He said softly handing me the flower bouquet. "I'm so sorry about that time, Blossom. I didn't mean to get mad at you. I just felt...That you didn't trust me." He mumbled, a flash of red flew across his cheek and quickly disappeared.  I looked back to see that Harry was gone. That idiot set me up.  

"Zayn, you didn't have to buy me anything, all I wanted was for you to trust me and give me time to explain." I said sighing, my heart melted whenever I looked at the flowers. Gosh They are beautiful. 

"I'm listening." He said giving me a warm smile. I returned him with a small smile and led him over to the bench, where we sat and I started explaining. Opening up to him and leaving nothing behind, I told him everything. From that day I was in the car with my mother to the day it was today. I felt myself start to shake, clenching my fist so I would stop shaking. My chest tightens and my head started to hurt.


"I'm so sorry, but your wife has passed away."

My father's eyes went blank and all trace to emotion was gone, leaving him a hollow shell. "Sir I'm very sorry." The doctor said, seeing that my father wouldn't answer or speak, he sighed and walked away, leaving the two of us alone.

"Why? This isn't fair." He muttered staring off into the distance. He's cold eyes then turn to me. At first it was nothing but it quickly turn to hatred, burning hatred. 

"Your fault! Go away, I don't want to see you!" He screamed like a mad man, waving his arm around aimlessly.  "Get lost! You stupid brat!" 

"Opal, it's alright. Breathe." I looked up at Zayn, who reached out and wipe a wet tear away.  

"I'm sorry." I mumbled staring up at his eyes. He shook his head and placed a sweet kiss on top of my forehead.

"I love you." He stated. "I really really truly love you Opal." He said seriously meeting my eyes.

"I love you too. A lot." I replied leaning in and connecting my lips with his. Fireworks started and everything around us disappeared. It was just us and nothing else matter. Just like the time in the park where I would dance and he would watch. 

"Mummy! Mummy! Look they're kissing!" We both pulled away, with bright red faces. The Mother quickly apologize and walked away with her little excited girl. I looked at Zayn who looked at me. We cracked up laughing, never once letting go of each other's hand.


"Hey! Where do you think you're going with that?" Jessi said narrowing her eyes down at the plate of cookie that I was carrying. Everyone was at Zayn's apartment for his monthly get together. I smiled sweetly at her and took off. I heard her yell something but didn't stop to listen, I ran all the way to Zayn bedroom and locked it behind me. Sliding down the door, I picked up a cookie and took a bite. 

"Aren't you even going to share that with me?" I let out a scream and nearly dropped the cookies.

"Harry what the hell are you doing here?" I asked him, slowly placing the plate of cookie on the table and walking over to him. 

"I was getting a change of clothes, because Niall 'accidentally' spilled his drink on me." He answered air quoting the word accident. I chuckled and took another bite out of the cookie. Harry went to pick up a cookie and I quickly slapped his hand, making him drop the cookie.

"Mine, touch and I'll hurt you." I warned, moving the plate away from him. He stared at me and suddenly bend forward laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" I asked sightly embarrassed that he was laughing so hard. He shook his head and tried to calm down. He took one look at my face and started laughing again. I groaned in annoyance and was about to walk out of the room, when he grabbed a hold of my hand and stopped me.

"Wait! I'm sorry." He said, his hand reaching out and wiping away some crumbles on my face.

"You had crumbles on your face." He mumbled, his eyes felt like they were staring through my body. 

"Harry. We should get back to the party." I said firmly pulling away from him. He stared at me, and finally nodded. Walking over to the door, he opened it and gestured for me to go out first.

"I still need to change." He said, I nodded and hurried down the hallway.

"Blossom, what are you doing?" Zayn asked wrapping his arm around my waist, once I got back down to the living room where everyone was. 

"Hiding my cookies." I answered honestly. He chuckled and kissed my temples. 

"You're amazing."

"I'm fab." I joked, lightly kissing his lips.

"Get a room, you idiots." Liam yelled, jokingly covering his eyes like a little kid. I laughed and stuck out my tongue at him. 

"I'm in a room full of children." He grumbled and pretended to pinch the area between his nose.  We all laughed and grabbed whatever was closest to us and threw it at him. 

"Old man." We teased.


"Do you want to stay for the night?" Zayn asked when everyone cleared out. Tomorrow we don't have school and Dad is away on a business trip.

"Alright." I agreed, wanting to spend more time with him. He grinned like a little boy and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"You can use the shower first." He suggested, I nodded and made my way over to the bathroom.

"These's spare towels on the right and I'll bring to the clothes in a moment." He yelled from down the hallway. I chuckled and closed the door behind me. Stripping out of my clothes, I turned the water and hopped into the shower. Instantly sighing when the warm water hits my bare body. I heard the door open.

"Hey, I'm putting the clothes on the rack, alright?"

"Yeah." I called out, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Waiting a few minutes after he has closed the door, I slowly peeked from the shower and got out, wrapping myself in one fluffy towel and dried off. Grabbing another, I wrapped it around my hair and walked over to the rack.

"Zayn!" I yelled.

"What's wrong?" He voice comes and it's clearly amused.

"Where's the pants?" I asked, picking up the white oversized shirt and slipping it on.

"There were none. Sorry." He replied clearly not sorry. 

"Zayn!" I yelled when I heard his footsteps run off. This boy! The shirt barley reached mid-thigh. I sighed and opened the door holding onto the end off the shirt so it didn't rise. Making my way over to his bedroom, I came to an empty room. Where did he go?

"Boo." I jumped and spun around holding my hands out defensively. Seeing Zayn, who stood in the doorway grinning, I dropped my hand back down to my side, not before punching him in the shoulder first.

"You little child." I said glaring at him. He shrugged and scanned my body, making my feel very self conscious. 

"You look hot in my clothes." He said approvingly. I felt my cheeks redden.

"Where's the spare bedroom?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"You're sleeping with me." He stated like it was the most natural thing in the world. I sighed and crawled under the covers, instantly surround with his scent. I heard the lights go off and felt the bed dip.

"Did you use my shampoo?" He asked snuggling next to me. I nodded, too exhausted to answer. Wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me ever so close. I felt like I belonged there, in his arms. Never wanting to be away from him. 

 **Sorry, I've been taking so long to upload, forgive me please! But I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. And remember...Comment Vote and Share. Makes my world ;)** Tina

Special Dance (Zayn Malik) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now