Chapter Seven

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'To watch us dance is to hear our heart speak.'

"Hey, did you do this question?" Amy one of the girls in my class asked leaning over Zayn and placing her book in front of me. Her boobs were almost hanging out. I felt a rush of anger spread through my body, biting on my lips I put on a smile. Grabbing a pen I started scribbling down some notes for her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her playing with his hair. 

"Hey Amy, these notes should help you." I said smiling. She nodded, leaning over Zayn again she grabbed the book and walked back to her seat not before winking at Zayn of course.

"Hey Blossom.." I turned around and glared at him making him stop in mid-sentence. "What's wrong?" 


"Something is wrong, you're biting your lips and you only do that when you’re angry or confused." He stated proudly. I looked at him in disbelief. "And, you were biting your lip when Amy was here too." He said slowly, like he was thinking. Then his eyes sparkled.

"You're jealous." A smirk formed on his lips. I let out a dry laugh.

"Of course not." But it sounded more like I was convincing myself. He let out a laugh and moved closer to me.

"Someone is jealous." He teased is a sing-song voice. I pushed him away, making him laugh harder. Blood rushed to my face.

"Go away." I muttered trying to cover my face with my hair.

"Is someone embarrassed?" He poked my cheek, I turned around and pushed him of his seat, making him tumble to the ground.

"What happened back there?" The teacher yelled from the front of the room.

"Opal pushed me off my chair Miss." Zayn yelled, secretly sending me a smirked.  My eyes widen and without thinking I yelled, "Miss I didn't. Zayn was fooling around in his chair and fell off all by himself." 

"No she's lying Miss! She pushed me off my chair!"

"No Miss! He was fooling around and fell off his chair!"


"Alright that's enough. Both of you are staying behind at lunch and helping me organize files in the back room! Alright? Or do you botch want detention?"

"We'll help you with the files." I quickly said, before Zayn could say something stupid and send us to detention. She nodded and went back to talking about what was on the board. Zayn got up and sat back down in his seat.

"This is all your fault." I accused, sending him a glare.

"It wouldn't have happened, if you just admitted that you were jealous." He muttered.

"I was jealous. So what." I exclaimed, making a few heads turn our way. I shot them a glared and they quickly turned around to face the front. I turned back around to face Zayn who was grinning like an idiot.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"You just said you were jealous." He stated. Realisation kicked in. I did say it. But I'm too stubborn to admit it.

"Did not."

"Did too.


"Would you two like detention?" The teacher yelled.

"No Miss." Both Zayn and I said. I shot him a glare, which he returned with a smirk.


"Opal, I want you to organize these folder in alphabetical order, Zany you order this cupboard here. Now excuse me, I'm going to have lunch." Amusement laced through her voice, she walks out the room closing the door behind her.

"This is your fault." I muttered starting to organize the stupid folders.

"Is not!"

"We're not having that conversation again." I said flatly, blowing the dusk off the folders. Coughing when some went up my nose. I felt him move closer, his hot breathe on the back of my neck.

"What are you doi-ing?" I stuttered, when his arms snaked around my waist, pulling my back against his chest.

"Stop. Go do your job." I exclaimed ripping myself from him and busied myself with the folders. I heard him chuckled and walked to the cupboard to start his job. It took me 10 minutes to organizes all the folders in alphabetical order, looking over to Zayn he was only half way to finishing. Sighing I walked over to him and started helping him.

"You done already?" I nodded, placing the papers on one section and the tins of pencil on the other. Taking the box of scissors and glue-stick I placed them on the bottom shelf. Grabbing the paint brushes I put them on the top shelf. Smiling when it was all finished.

"Under five minutes." I teased turning to face Zayn. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open.

"Magic." He muttered, I threw my head back and laughed.

"You such an idiot."

"A sexy idiot." He winks with a smug look. I rolled my eyes and headed for the door.

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked standing next to me.

"She locked the door!" I tied pulling on the handle but it wouldn't budge. Zayn's arms snaked around my waist, spinning my around and pulled me to his chest. His big arms wrapped around me.

"What are you doing Zayn?"

"Just stay like this for a while please?" He nuzzled his face into my hair. I was going to hug him back when I heard the sounds of heel. Pulling away from him just in time, the teacher came in.

"You two finished?" We both nodded.

"Alright then get the out of here." She ordered turning back around and walking off. I was just about to follow her when Zayn grabbed my hand pulling me back and planted a kiss on my cheek. My eyes widen, he held his finger up to his mouth and winked.

"What are you two waiting for hurry up and get out of here. I have to lock up the classroom." Quickly walking pass the teacher, I hurriedly walked down the corridor.

"Opal wait up. Why are you walking so fast?" Zayn caught up to me, grabbing a hold my hand to pulled me to a stop.

"Opal what is wrong?" He asked concern laced in his voice.

"You kissed me?" He nodded, "Why?" My head was hurting and I felt so confused.

"Because I like you." He stated. "And I've liked you for a very long time." He muttered, his gaze dropped down towards my lips.

"How do you feel about me?" He asked leaning in till our foreheads touched.

"I-I." What do I feel about him? He makes me feel warm, just by saying my name. I miss him when he's not around. And I got jealous when he was talking to Amy earlier.

"I-I think I like you too" I whispered. His lips come crashing onto mine, catching of by surprise. I quickly kissed him back. My hand wraps itself around his neck bringing him closer. He lightly bit my bottom lip, making me gasp a little which gave him entrance and he took it. It was like magic. The way his lips connect with mine seemed right. Pulling away to breathe, he kept his forehead touching mine.

"I like you Zayn." I muttered with confidence.

"Opal will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes were hopeful.

"Yes." He grinned and connected his lips with mine, making me smile.

*What do you think?  He confessed! Please comment and vote if you enjoyed it.*

Special Dance (Zayn Malik) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now