Chapter Four

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'It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer.' -Shanna LaFleur

"Everyone I want our papers on my desk by the end of the class." The teacher’s voice boomed from the front of the room. I took out our assessment that I spent all night doing out and walked up to the teacher’s desk, placing it on the teacher’s desk.

"Did you get it all done in one night?" Zayn asked when I sat back down in my seat. I nodded and placed my head on the table exhausted.

"You didn't have to stay up all night doing it, we could have asked for an extension." I didn't reply but closed my eyes. I have dance today after school, then I have to go shopping for food. After that I had to make dinner. I silently sighed. I was worn out, physically and mentally.

"Hey do you want to come over today, the gang is going to have a movie night."

"Sorry I'm busy." I muttered, my eyes still closed. I felt him move closer, his hot breathe on my skin sending tingles throughout my body. I felt his lips on my forehead, opening my eyes instantly, I saw him smile innocently at me. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you busy doing?" He asked after a while. 

"Dance." I answered not bothering to look up. I heard him nod.

"Can I come and watch." I shook my head immediately “Sorry it's a privet lesson." Lie, it wasn't a privet lesson, but I didn't want him to watch. He muttered something under his breathe that I couldn't catch.

"Did you say something?"

"It doesn't matter." I knew he was holding something back but I let it go.


"Opal! Stop, are you alright? You are very sluggish today." Madam asked stopping the music. I shook my head. 

"I'm fine Madam, I can continue." I stated trying to sound confident. She shakes her head.

"No, we'll stop for today, I won't tell your Father about this but I want full energy next class, alright?" I nodded and thanked her.  Quickly throwing on a jumper I walked out of the studio. I had to go to the supermarket and get food. Opening the door, I stepped out into the warm weather. A voice made me jumped, cussing, I turned to the voice and came face to face with Zayn who grinned at me.

"Finished already?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked completely ignoring his question.

"Well I wanted to see if you were free after your dance lesson and maybe we could go to the park together or something." He said, I sighed.

"I can't, I have to go to the supermarket and do some grocery shopping then have to hurry home and cook." I stated. He looked disappointed. Without even thinking I said, "Want to come with me?" I was just as surprised as he was. He nodded and flashed his signature grin at me, I couldn't help to smile.


"Do you want me to do anything?" Zayn asked, he was sitting down at the kitchen's island watching me cook.

"Nah, I'm nearly done." I said as I added some spice to the curry. Mixing it around for a bit, I grabbed a clean spoon and tasted it. Smiling when it tasted just like I wanted it to. Taking out a plate, I poured the curry into it and added some parsley on top. I heard the door open and my eyes widen. Grabbing Zayn by the hand I led him to the pantry and pushed him in there.

"Wait, what are you doin-"

"Shh, please just be quite." I whispered closing the door.

"Where are you?" His voice boomed.

Special Dance (Zayn Malik) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now