Chapter 7

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Felicity's POV

I was super surprised that Chloe was a nerd at heart. But her story was even more surprising and kinda sad. I meant every word I said the day before, though. I will keep her secret no matter what. 

I was thinking about what Chloe had told me the day before and kept my eyes on the floor the entire time when I accidentally bumped into someone's back.

It was Kristen. Hateful, mean, Kristen Meyers. Chloe wasn't with her though. Kristen turned around and fixed me with a cold, icy glare that could've froze Angel Falls in 30 seconds. 

"Hey there, Felicity," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You know, you could really use a pair of glasses if you're so blind and can't see my fab self standing right in front of you."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please," I said. "You're the one who is blinding me with your flashy outfits. Seriously, who wears neon pink on a sunny day? The sun is bright enough. I don't need your bright skirt to blind me. It's so tacky anyway." 

"As if you know what tacky means," she snapped. "Even my maid has better fashion sense than you."

I rolled my eyes. "Be human for once, Kristen," I said. "Stop pretending to be the best just because your dad is rich. I bet your maid is getting tired of you. Get a life that doesn't involve shopping, manicures and all your stupid airs and graces." 

I walked off, skipping up the stairs two at a time as I felt her eyeballing me from the back of my head

Oh, and in case you didn't know, our pair project has already been handed in. But Chloe would still secretly come over to hang out with me. She met my mom since she (my mom) wasn't working anymore. 

My parents have still been fighting a lot even though they don't work together. They usually fight about work but now that they don't work together, I don't know what they argue about these days. It never ends. I write just as much as ever to help me cope.

After school (and getting yelled at for not finishing my Math homework), I went home to the lovely smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. My nose guided me to the kitchen. 

"Oh, hello darling," mom greeted me, cheerily. She planted a kiss on my cheek. Her hair was tied in a bun and she wore a pink apron over a white dress. Her pink lipstick was slightly smudged onto the side of her face and sweat beaded her forehead.

A plate of seafood pasta was on the counter. "Yum...." I said. 

"Dig in," mom said. "You can have these delis after you eat." She sank her teeth into a cream cheese frosted cinnamon roll. After lunch, I did my homework. I was stuck on a question so I seeked mom for some help.

She was watching TV. "Hey, mom," I said. "Do you think you can help me with this question?" 

She looked at it and shook her head slowly. Then, she finally looked up at me. "I am so disappointed in you, Felicity," she said. "I expected you to do better. How much did you get for your math quiz last week?" 

"Uh.... 19/25....?" I answered.  

She dropped my homework on the couch beside her. I could sense she was getting mad. "19?" she repeated. I nodded. 

"Disgrace!" she yelled. "You got 6 wrong, Felicity Bloom! I expected better from you! This is ridiculous! Hannah (my sister) excelled in all her exams and quizzes. Why can't you be like her?! I want you to be successful like your sister. She got a scholarship and look at her now, studying in a college in Britain to become a great doctor. And what about you?!"

She handed my homework back to me roughly. "Do it all yourself. And I expect them all to be correct." I went back to my room. My life is falling apart. My world is crashing around me. But there is no one who can help put the pieces back.

I finished up my homework. It was 6:49 when I was finally done. Mom opened my bedroom door. "How long ago did you finish your homework?" "Um.... A second ago?" She shook her head. "Awfully slow. I'm not happy about that. They'd better be correct. Come on and eat."

Dad was at the table eating. There was rice, omelet, sesame chicken, apple salad and grilled broccolli drizzled with lemon. "There's fruit cobbler for dessert if you want." Mom said. I began my meal hungrily. After dinner, I sat on the couch, ready to watch some TV.

Mom came up behind me with her hands on her hips and her mouth curved into a frown. "And what do you think you're doing?" She asked. 

"Uh.... Watching TV?" I answered. 

"Felicity, Felicity, Felicity," she said, disapprovingly. "You're doing so badly at your math and you dare to even think about watching TV?!"

"But mom-" 

"Don't interrupt your mother!" She yelled. "Your exam is coming up and I want you to be among the top 5 in your class! Go to your room and study now. And that is that." 

I walked off to my room. My exams were months away. But mom wouldn't listen to me. I've never seen her so fierce before. Especially not over grades.

That night, I heard my parents yelling at each other. "She should follow in her sister's footsteps!" I heard mom yell. 

"She's good enough, Martha. Just give her a break, for God's sake! School is hard enough for her." Dad argued. 

"JONATHAN BLOOM!" Mom shouted. Mom always use people's full names when she was really mad. "Last year, she only got 80% for her exam! Hannah always got 88% and above!"

"Now you're just being biased!" Dad yelled. "There were times where she would get 70%. Felicity told me there were people who hated her for no good reason. She's got enough on her plate, Martha." 

"Such nonsense!" Mom yelled. "You pamper Felicity too much!" 

I covered my ears with my pillow. This was too painful to hear. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. 

"Please, God." I whispered. "Free me from this nightmare. Let there be peace in my house. For once...." And then, I cried.

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