a first wedding

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Adeline never thought she'd be a part of a wedding let alone one of the bridesmaids. She really appreciated Gwen for allowing her to be one even though she had to ask Ianto for help picking out a dress and Aliyah did her hair in some kind of half up half down hairstyle. Gwens bridesmaid included Aliyah and Tosh. " Can I come in Addie?" A soft voice asked and she immeditley recognized it as Jacks. She had been avoiding him, because of the whole Laria thing and she really had not been looking forward to it. " You can." Adeline spoke her lips raised in amusement remembering how her sister would always correct her to say may and not can. Jack walked in and she could hear him gasp. " You look amazing." He commented and Adeline felt herself blush as She turned to face him. " You don't think it's a bit much?" Adeline asked nervously eyeing the diamond necklace she was wearing.
" It's a wedding Adeline you look fine." Jack laughed. " Well how would I know I've never been to one. I never had one when I got married." Adeline sighed. " I guess you'll just have to trust me." Jack shrugged. " Why did you come, because I'm sure it wasn't to help my nerves." Adeline asked with a raised eyebrow. " What Laria said is it all true?" Jack asked and Adeline sighed. " I don't want to talk about it." Adeline growled as She turned back to the mirror. " So it is true. I really am sorry Addie it's just-" Jack started to apologize, but Adeline cut him off. " You like Ianto." She finished making sure not to look at him in fear of letting her mask slip.
" Is it that obivous?" Jack asked embarrassed something Adeline never thought she'd hear in the Captains tone. " Just to someone who is incredibly good at reading people." Adeline shrugged. " I really am sorry, but just know this changes nothing I'm still here if you need me." Jack promises before walking out making her heart clench. Adeline truly cared about all of them they had become the family she had never really had. Her emotions felt so scattered because she wasn't used to caring for anyone except The Doctor. Sighing Adeline left the room and drove  herself over to the church of Gwens wedding. She met Gwen's family talking to them as Gwen got ready. They were nice people except the one lady in the green, but Adeline wasn't really into the effort of acting excited to meet them. She grabbed the box that held Gwen's dress before starting to go upstairs when a man stopped her. " I'm the best man and I'm supposed to check everything." He said giving what he thought was a dashing smile, but it made Adeline sick. " Well you can check out the trash cause that's where you'll be if you even try with me so excuse me." Adeline said stiffly before hurrying upstairs and entering Gwen's room. " What I would give for the excuse of being married again. I swear I'm never wearing a dress again." Adeline huffed as Gwen laughed. " It's good to see you Adeline and thank you for doing this." Gwen sighed taking the box. " From Jack and I. Between you and me I'm thrilled you're getting married you deserve this one good thing." Adeline smiled. " So you and Jack." Gwen said with a raised eyebrow taking the dress out with a smile and a gasp. " It's nothing." Adeline said harshly her eyes darkening. " You like him." Gwen smirked. " He's Captain Jack Harkness who doesn't." Adeline said bitterly her mind flashing back to the conversation earlier. " What's gotten into you." Gwen frowned. " I'm sorry this is your wedding day and I'm ruining it with my mood. I should go." Adeline said hurriedly before rushing out to the bar. She started drinking a drink before a man and a woman left the room. She trailed them and ran into the guy. " If you were looking for my room you could of asked." He grinned. " I wasn't you look worse then my ex husband and he turned out to be a crazed psychopath." Adeline snarled. She heard a scream and pulled her pair of twin daggers from underneath her dress before running towards it to see the woman and a dead man. " What did you do to him." Adeline glared. The woman looked at her before the guy from before entered distracting her enough to allow the woman to attack her. Her vision went black and when she woke up she was against the guy trapped in a sticky black substance. " Oh this is just my luck stuck with an egotistical  flirt." Adeline huffed. " Hey he said offended and Adeline ignores him looking for a way out until he started crying for help and she squeezed his leg painfully. " Stop." She demanded. It was 5 minutes before Owen and Ianto came in. " Thank god." Adeline sighed as the two boys struggled to get her and idiot out. " I'm banana." He muttered. " You're a fucking idiot is what you are." Adeline hissed as they seperated. " Whoa Addie calm down." Ianto said shocked. " I can't handle being around you right now." Adeline snifled and she ran out. She felt like freaking pregnant woman with how much her emotions were changing. She did so much for them out of love and affection, but all that ever happened was her getting hurt in ways Adeline could barely take. For she gets closed and then it's all riped away from her. The whole team had been on edge because of the whole Laria thing and Adeline felt her facade fall as the memories of what she did as her flooded her mind. The deaths of so many and then Jack's rejection. She was both hurt and relieved by it. Relieved that her father would never go after him, but hurt for obvious reasons. It wasn't long before she heard a crash and she became alert grabbing her knives that she had resheathed. She spun around and a woman ran past her giving an animal like shriek. Immeditley she threw her knife hitting her intended target, but it ran off before she could even think of following. " Addie."  Jack's voice gasped and she turned to see Tosh and Jack. " Captain care to fill me in?" Adeline stated reeling in her emotions and wiping the tears from her eyes.
" You were crying." Tosh stated shocked. " not important now explain." Adeline hissed and Jack hurriedly explained as they walked back. " Guns won't harm these things at least not your normal guns you need to let me close to her." Adeline frowned walking over to the Torchwood van and grabbing the sword she kept in a hidden compartment. " Are you insane it will kill you in a second flat." Jack screamed. " Where's Gwen." Adeline demanded and Tosh lead the way to where a very frazzled Gwen Cooper was and Rhys Williams. " Right Jack go get Owen and his device to get this thing out of her. Rhys, Gwen you guys are under my protection." Adeline ordered as Tosh and Jack left. " How do we know you're not an alien?" Gwen asked. " I'm already a fucking alien Gwen. Besides I'll be damned  if I let the thing copy me." Adeline growled standing protectively over the couple. " Really what's gotten into you?" Gwen said shocked. " You mean other then accidently turning into a psychopath a couple of days ago and learning that Jack is in love with Ianto which I really shouldn't of been surprised about or maybe it's the fact that the fucking nightmares that haunt my sleep every night have finally gotten to me." Adeline shouted her eyes getting teary eyed. " You can't speak to my wife that way. I may respect you the most Adeline, but th that's uncalled for." Rhys frowned.
" No I'm sorry Adeline I didn't know-" Gwen started, but then the door was broken and Jack's figure dove at her snarling. " Go! Run!" Adeline ordered as the alien landed on her and she put her sword above its neck making sure it wouldn't escape by trapping it in her arms. " I thought you were the smart one alien girl." The alien growled as it started biting at her neck and she gasped in pain. Adeline let out a brutal cry pushing it off her and stabbing it to the floor, but it kicked her off it. " You don't seem so unstoppable now." It growled taking her sword out of it's stomach and throwing it on the floor. Adeline struggled to stand, but it launched itself at her and she screamed as it bit her. The claws dug into her skin before she heard footsteps and the alien jumped out the window. Ianto and Tosh appeared and Adeline breathed a sigh of relief. " Hey." She smiled weakly as the two ran to her side no doubt looking at her now bleeding body. " Damn I wish Owen was here you're going to be fine Adeline." Tosh told her and Adeline laughed, but it soon turned to a coughing fit. " I'll be fine go help Gwen." Adeline orders and Tosh left, but Ianto stayed with her. " What's wrong Addie I've been feeling the intense waves of sadness coming off you all through today." Ianto frowned helping her walk. " You know what's damned wrong Ianto, but I'm not going to say so infront of you for it will make you guilty even though it's not your fault." Adeline told him before she sat in the van treating her already healing wounds. Jack had killed the creature and Gwen got married. It was happy ever after.
" You know you really should of told me." Aliyah stated as the two danced.
" You should of known. In fact all of you should of known." Adeline accused before she stormed away from the church and drove home.

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