Meeting Martha

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Panic couldn't say she didn't miss this. She hung onto the side of the TARDIS, laughing her head off. The only thought on her head was that Jack most definitely thought she was crazy. When the TARDIS landed, she let go and waited for The Doctor to come out. She saw Jack's body and decided he was more important. Placing her hand on his neck, she looked for a pulse though she knew it was pointless no normal person could survive. She heard the doors of the TARDIS open, but she remained at Jack's side, not quite knowing what she was waiting for. She heard a gasp, and an African American woman joined her, going to check his pulse.
" He's dead sweetheart no normal person could survive hanging on the edge of the TARDIS." Panic told her standing to meet the man with spiky brown hair. " Well, if it isn't Panic Summers, I haven't seen you since my 5th regeneration." He grinned at her.
" It's good to see you too, Doctor. For a moment there, I thought you had changed genders on me, and I'd have to call you something else." She joked, and she saw a woman looking at the two of them confused before there was a gasp, and she looked down to see Jack had grasped a woman returning back to life. " I thought you said he was dead." Woman said, surprised. " He was, and now he's back. You alright, Jack, " Panic asked, giving the blunt response to her statement. " I'm fine, Panic. I'm Captain Jack Harkness." He interduced himself with a wink at the woman. " Martha Jones." Martha smiled, embarrassed. Jack was about to respond when Panic shushed him.
" Stop it, Jack." She said with a roll of her eyes. " I was only saying hello." Jack whined. " For you, Jack, that is flirting now. If I remember correctly, this is the end of the universe." Panic said, studying the surroundings. " So who are you exactly?" Martha asked, and Panic was about to respond. Adeline stepped out of the TARDIS.
" Sorry I took so long. I was getting my jacket." She said before looking at Panic wide-eyed. " I am Adeline before she was Adeline." Panic grinned as Adeline sighed, and Martha just seemed even more confused.
" Stop speaking in a way that only people who know the answer understand it." Adeline scolded. " That takes the fun out of it, though." Panic frowned. " Basically, I'm 14 billion years old. Whenever The Doctor regenerates, I change as well. I also have a version of myself for every planet." Adeline explained. " Oh well, nice to meet you, Panic." Martha said.
Panic nodded, leading them to where the facility was quickly making barriers whenever it was needed. When they got inside, they immediately asked who they were.
" I am Panic, and I'm an expert in anything alien. This is Adeline expert in fighting, Captain Jack the flirt, Martha Jones, our doctor in training, and the doctor who is good with science." Panic told them. " Maybe the three of you could help Professor Yana, Lady Angelina, and Chantho with building their rocket ship. Panic followed them into a lab area where two of the three immediately huddled towards The Doctor while the woman came over towards her and Adeline. She had dark brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, and wore a white dress.
" You must be Angelina it's nice to meet you." Adeline said as Panic just stared at her. " Oh, I all ready know the both of you I am after all one your last regenerations." She grinned, and the two looked at her surprised.
" Which version are you?" Panic asked." I can't tell you that Panic you should know that by now." Angelina frowned. " It seems like you three are getting along well." Jack grinned as The Doctor ran around the room saying stuff, and Panic realized he was transporting his TARDIS here. " I didn't know you were here Jack it's good to see you." Angelina grinned, and Jack gave them a confused look.
" She's one of the future versions of me, but she won't tell me which one." Panic said, rolling her eyes. " I can't, or else it might change the way things are supposed to be." Angelina sighed.
" You sound like The Doctor." Jack pointed out. " There's a reason for that, but now is not the time." Angelina grinned, and Panic gave her a surprised look, seeing where she was going with that. " You mean we actually end up telling him. I didn't think I would ever work up the courage." Panic said, shocked. " You didn't." Angelina said shortly before
Jack grabbed the cords, shocking himself dead. The three women just stood there as Martha checked on him. " So you two..." Angelina gestured to Jack. " Yes, we know that he doesn't die." Panic said as if on cue Jack gasped back to life. " Do you know why?" Angelina asked. " We have a clue, though I'm guessing you do." Panic said venom laced her voice, and Angelina flinched. They all stood there, not talking until the alarms went off, and Jack ran off with The Doctor. It wasn't until Yana brought out a watch that they started paying attention. " That's a fob watch." Angelina said her eyes as confused as Panic felt. " It's just a relic by now." Yana said, giving it to Martha. By the time Martha left, he was getting pretty angry at her. " I'll be back." Adeline said, and she too took off after Martha. It was only a few moments when the watch opened, and Angelina told Chantho to leave as the two faced the Time Lord, both pretty sure they knew who it was. " You knew this whole time yet you didn't think to set me free." He growled at Angelina.
" I wasn't there when they found you, and if I had been, I would have made sure that watch was as far away from you as I could." Angelina said growling, and Panic had to give her credit since The Master always scared her. He grabbed a sparking thing and dove at Angelina, who was too surprised to move, and so Panic pushed her out of the way the electricity hitting her. She screamed pain going through her body as Angelina stood her mouth open in complete shock, and to be honest, Panic was surprised she had done it as well. Angelina went to her side, her hands glowing as The Master went in the TARDIS, locking it immediately. The four others joined them then, and Jack ran to her side as she writhed in pain as Angelina tried to heal her. Then, a group of the futurelings came, and Angelina stepped forward a shield going over them protectively. " I'll cover you, and the three of you use Jack's vortex manipulator. Adeline takes panic and gets her to a safe place.
" What about you." Panic protested as Angelina grew wings out of her back light surrounding her. " I belong in this time zone, and it has to be this way." Angelina smiled sadly. " You knew this was going to happen." Panic said softly, regreating being so mean to her future self. Adeline grabbed her hand as Jack teleported the others out. " She'll be fine, Panic." Adeline said, and with that, the two disappeared, Angelina disappearing from sight.

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