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You jolted around to the small ventilation shaft. You pulled out your flashlight that you had brought. You clicked it on and peered into the vents. "H-Hello..?" You asked, terrified for your life.

"Hell no, I ain't doin this..." You exclaimed before turning around to the main vent. The only problem was, was that there was something blocking the way. A tall silhouette.

It had to have been at least seven feet tall. You froze in fear, reaching into your pocket slowly, to get the flashlight. You slowly pulled out the light and flicked it on. You weren't sure if that was the smartest or dumbest thing you could've done. You stared up into the eyes of a robot...

You whimpered quietly and backed away, trembling. "Oh God..." You muttered, as the green eyes started to glow... And stare right at you.

"There is no need to be afraid..." The voice said. The emotionless female voice sent shivers down your spine. You kept backing up until you bumped into the small control table.

The figure stepped out into the light, revealing itself.

She seems harmless... But that's probably what she wants me to think... You thought to yourself.

You heart nearly stopped at what she said next. "We need to leave... Now."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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