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"I can't help it. You know me," I laugh a little. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"You want to see your sister now?" He asks. I nod and we start walking, hand in hand. We take the elevator because I am still out of breath from running down the stairs. Once we get on the sixth floor, we stand right before the door of her room. I turn and see the Jake's face is lighter than the sun. I take a deep breath and walk into the room.

Hanna's P.O.V

I hear a faint 'Hi' and look up to see my sister who had tear stains on her cheeks and tears welling up in her eyes. I motioned for her to come closer and she did to the side of my bed, as I grabbed her hand I could tell she had a anxiety attack and was panicking on the inside. I slowly guided her to sit so I could hug her with moving to much because it still hurt to move.

As she sat down she looked at me with her sleep deprived eyes, and pulled me into a hug while I heard muffled sniffling and felt warm tears fall down my back.

"Hey hey hey, Tay what's wrong?" I ask worried of the answer.

"It's all my fault. I should have known someone was there." she mumble into my shoulder crying harder.

"Tay look at me it's not you're fault I know you. I know you're gonna think it's all your fault sis but it's not. You know it, I know it, Jake know it, Nate knows it. Just look at me please." I plead for her to look at me and she does. I wipe the tears off her face and smile at her.

"I'm okai, I hurt but nothings horribly hurt. I promise." I say quietly motioning the guys to come over and join the hug and they do squeezing Taylor and I.

"Look at my girls hugging and being the double trouble I know they are." We all look to see who said that and to my surprise it was my brother. It was Blake.

"Blake?" Taylor and I croaked out at the same time. Twin Power am I right?? He nods his head and walks over to us pushing the guys away to hug us at once and it was filled with emotion.

"I'm so so so sorry I wasn't here Han, I feel horrible." Bake says with tears in his eyes.

"Blake. It's fine, don't worry about it." I say looking at Taylor who's nodding her head.

I slowly lay back down as pain shoots everywhere in my body, I scream a little and Jake run over to me holding me as I cry into his chest. I feel Jake lightly picking me up making sure he doesn't apply anymore pressure to my hip and sits down on my bed holding me. I continue to cry into his chest as a nurse walks in see the sight. She ran out to get the doctor, when he came into the room he says,

"Ummm, sir I'm going to need you to get out of her bed right now only the patient should be in the bed." He says in a serious tone and I flip a lid.

"Listen, I know you're the doctor but I need my fucking boyfriend right now if I could fit my sister on here with us she would be fucking on here to. So I suggest you leave me and my family alone and get me more pain meds. Because mine wore off. Now you fucking dick sucking cum dumpster." I say clearly pissed the fuck off and he runs out of the room having Lisa the nurse who had came in the first time to give me, my meds.

"Thank You, Lisa." I say with a smile. She nods her head and is off to help another patient.

"Damn Han I think you made the doctor pee himself." Nate says laughing along with Jake and Taylor.

"Well, don't tell me I can't have what I need at the moment cause all I need other than my sister with me all the time is my baby with me and I know that won't be a problem." I say looking at Jake smiling as he leans down and places a soft gentle kiss on my lips and pulls away.

"I'm never leaving your side again." He says looking at me in the way he knows gets me to blush.

I think life is going to be fine and we will get through anything these assholes who shot me puts us through as long as we have each other.

I look around at Jake, Taylor, and Nate knowing we will survive this as long as we never leave or go against each other.

^ Imagine the picture at the top being Hanna and Jake when he picks her up and cradles her as she cries 

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