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Jake's P.O.V

We heard a gun shot, a girl screaming. Then as we got closer the guys were trying to push me back but I saw her hair. It was Hanna. My princess. My baby girl. My everything had got shot. I rip the guys off my and jog to her side. She was shot right on her hip, and her eyes won't open.

"Baby please wake up. Don't leave me Han. I need you princess. I love you baby girl, please." I plead to her trying to get her to wake up. I feel her stir and her eyes squint open.

"J-j-j-jake I ne-e-ed to go to the hospital someone call 9-1-1." She says as I pick her up lightly. Who ever did this to my poor princess will suffer I swear to that.

"Blake, call an ambulance tell them we'll be in the front yard." I say feeling tears fall down my face. I cannot lose Hanna. She's made me such a better person and I am in love with her.

Unknow's P.O.V

I know it was wrong to shot her and I knew it was her but she deserves it. I mean she hurt my brother and he died trying to get her back but he couldn't because of Jake and he needs to know the pain she caused him because she wanted Jake.....

Hanna's P.O.V

It was to bright out here. Where am I? I want my sister. Where's Taylor? Who's carrying me? I hear crying. I look up and see Jake crying and I grip on tighter to his neck and he looks down at me. I'm losing to much blood but I have to wait and we live 19 minutes away from the closest hospital. I hope they get here soon if they don't I might not make it and I can't do that to Jake and Taylor. They need me, like I need them.

"Ja-jake where's Taylor?" I ask.

"Nate has her. She's okay princess," He says calmly sending chills down my back.

"I want my sister Jake. NOW. " I say loud enough for her to hear "I swear, Jake, I'm not doing this right now. Get me my damn sister or I swear to god I'll beat the living hell out of you." I say even more mad.

Jake pulls his phone out and texts Taylor. Three minutes later Taylor walks up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Oh my god. I'm so glad your okay," Tay says to me looking up and down stopping when she sees the blood pouring down my hip on to my white converse.

Taylor's P.O.V

I don't know what happen. All I hear is a gun shot and I start screaming. I try to find Hanna through the dark when I see her. She's laying on the ground and all I can do is run to her. I can't see a thing because my eyes are filling with tears. I'm suddenly pulled back when I see Jake kneeling beside her trying to get her to wake up. I am fighting to get free but the person holding me back is too strong.

"Let me go! I need to see her. I want to know that she's okay." I say turning around to see Nate.

"I can't let you. Jake has her. She's going to be okay, Taylor." He says trying to reassure me.

"I can't lose her, Nate," I say burying my face in his chest. My phone buzzes and I see Jake sent a text saying, 'Come to the front yard.' We start walking toward the front yard while wiping my tears away. I have to be strong, for her.

I don't know who shot her but I know when I find out my sister will be ready and won't ever get hurt like this again. When I got to them, I saw all the blood she was losing to much she might not make it.

"How long till the Ambulance arrives?" Jake asks worried.

"Three minutes tops." I say hoping I'm right. One and a half minute later, we hear sirens in the distance. When they pull up on the side of the street, two paramedics pull the gurney and run up to us. One is a women and the other a man. They both lift her onto the bed and check her vitals. Both Jake and I get up and walk with them to the ambulance.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask starting to panic, not want this to be true.

"We'll do everything we can do," the women says. "Not all three can come, who is the closest relative?"

"I am." I say and she helps me up in the ambulance and before the doors shut, I hear Jake say,

"I'll meet you there." I see him turn around and with Nate get in the car and follow us. I sit down beside Han, holding her hand the whole way there. 'Oh, Han. What am I going to do?' I think to myself.

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