Chapter 22. New Terrors

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Leia and Han frowned as Mon Mothma spoke of the Empire's newest weapon, a second Death Star. How the Rebellion missed such a threat by the Imperials was beyond Leia's comprehension, showing her that the Empire was indeed able to hide dangerous and big things from both from the galaxy and the Rebels, like a Death Star.

But this new revelation could not be more poorly timed, she and Han had gone with Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar in hopes of somehow locating Luke while the rebels looked for new planets to set up bases, but now all resources were going into finding the plans for this new Death Star and exploiting it's weaknesses.

Han slowly joined Leia as Mon Mothma dismissed the briefing. "What now?" Han asked in concern, upset like Leia was over their new predicament.

Leia sighed as she turned towards Han. "We have a duty to the Alliance. We're going to have to look for Luke later." She said solemnly, regret thick in her saddened voice.

Han sighed but nodded in hesitant agreement. He still blamed himself, he wanted to find Luke now, he wanted his best friend back, to hear Luke's never ending questions, his high pitched voice whenever Han was successful in annoying the young Rebel, his smile and laugh when Han cracked a joke. Or to just simply talk with Luke, as they often did. Han and Luke had liked to talk about everything and nothing all the time, without Luke, Han honestly did not know what to do except look for him everywhere, even subconsciously.

Leia placed a comforting hand on Han's arm. "It's okay, we'll find him." She said softly, but her voice did not match the words that were meant to reassure Han.

Leia hadn't been able to find the bond between herself and what was left of Luke, for weeks she had tried, and for weeks she had failed. In truth Leia wasn't even sure how to use the bond, perhaps it just had a will of its own. But she desperately wanted to know if Luke was still alive, if he was still there. And yet nothing came to her, as if she had been cut off from Luke.


A party of Bothans were able to get their hands on the plans for the Death Star within a few weeks, but at great cost to themselves. But at least now the Alliance had what they needed to make a successful plan of attack.

The Death Star was not yet operational, having a shield around it for protection. The source of the shield being on the surface of Endor's moon.

Leia had decided that she and Han would lead the party to the surface and deactivate the shield for Ackbar's attack run on the Death Star.

Han groaned he looked over the Imperial shuttle they were suppose to use. It was an ugly piece of junk compared to the Falcon, or at least in Han's eyes.

Chewbacca also showed his disapproval of the craft with uncertain grunting sounds.

"Boy you said it Chewie." Han muttered as Lando came towards them.

Han grinned upon seeing Lando and turned to acknowledge his friend. "Hey Lando."

"Hey Han, Chewbacca." Lando said with a grin of his own. "You sure you want me to take your ship?" He asked for probably the tenth time during the prep week.

Han laughed. "For the last time, I want you to take her, really I do." Han said, trying to reassure his uncertain friend. "She's the fastest in the fleet, and you'll need the best ship to take on those scumbags and their Death Star."

Lando sighed and nodded in acceptance. "Alright, I'll take good care of her."

Han nodded. "Not a scratch, right?" He said, pointing his finger at Lando who raised his hand.

"Not one, you have my word." Lando said in full seriousness.

Han nodded. "Good luck."

Lando nodded as well. "We'll need it."


Leia and Chewie, along with Artoo and Threepio were waiting in the cockpit of the shuttle as Han came aboard and got in the pilot seat.

As usual, Han couldn't help but feel like he had forgotten something, or that a certain someone wasn't there.

Han glanced behind himself, but the seat was empty. Luke wasn't there. Han shook his head, turning back to the viewport.

"Are you alright?" Leia asked gently from her seat behind Chewbacca.

"I'm fine, I just got a bad feeling about this." Han mumbled, earning a sympathetic look from Leia as the shuttle took off and left the Rebel hangar, heading for Endor.

Author's Note.
I'm back! I know this chapter is short, but I wanted to set the whole Death Star thing up to propel the plot forward a bit as well as establish Han's emotions and thoughts about Luke's situation, since I feel like I haven't gotten those things across enough like I have with Leia. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment your thoughts, vote and point out typos.
And as always, may the Force be with you.

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